September 01, 2023 - confidence among CNAs and overcome barriers to vaccination by applying insights from social, behavioral and cognitive
January 01, 2013 - For example, a new medication may interact with a patient's underlying cognitive or mobility limitations … Interventions for patients with cognitive deficits include involving more staff in care planning, asking
May 01, 2015 - Project
Comparative Report Profiles
Writing Tips
Design Tips
June 01, 2016 - However, cognitive testing of this approach indicates that it offers both too much data and not enough
June 01, 2010 - This could include focus groups, or cognitive-, pilot- or pretesting the instrument with respondents
January 01, 2004 - care; ambulatory versus inpatient care;
patient transitions), to core theory (e.g., human factors; cognitive
July 01, 2022 - Simplifying detection of cognitive impairment: comparison of the Mini-Cog and Mini-Mental State Examination
November 01, 2018 - understands each of your data displays, putting the scores from multiple measures together is a daunting cognitive
April 01, 2018 - A cognitive modeling account of simultaneous learning and fatigue effects. … Cognitive Systems Research. March 2011 2011;12(1):19-32. 46. Jones MM SM, Nechodom P, Rubin MA.
September 01, 2019 - the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, explained how learning—from the perspective of cognitive … ability to:
Brain-based learning is the strategy of leveraging our current understanding of the human cognitive
January 01, 2015 - • Professionals commit to:
• Technical and cognitive competence
• Clear and effective communication … • Professionals commit to:
• Technical and cognitive competence
• Clear and effective communication
July 18, 2008 - These authors acknowledged
the relationship of diagnostic errors with the cognitive process and complexity … Cognitive errors and the decisionmaking process can be seen as failures in perception, failed
heuristics … Despite the seemingly esoteric view of cognitive failures, often problems seen in offices and
clinics … The importance of cognitive errors in
diagnosis and strategies to minimize them.
March 20, 2017 - Cognitive testing with parents indicated that the use of these groupings made
it easier for respondents … of 3 items)
2 To learn more about reducing the cognitive
March 20, 2017 - Cognitive testing with parents indicated that the use of these groupings made
it easier for respondents … of 3 items)
2 To learn more about reducing the cognitive
April 20, 2004 - step in the IV schedule standardization process was the development of a
straightforward color-coded cognitive … Cognitive training tool developed for pharmacists
The BCMA Collaborative Team discovered that there … Thus, a
color-coded cognitive tool was developed to standardize IV medication order processing by
pharmacists … Cognitive training tool developed for pharmacists
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July 20, 2020 - some HSOPS 1.0 items
• Further edited item wording and developed new survey items
• Conducted more cognitive
June 01, 2010 - MS Domains: Effectiveness, Timeliness, Efficiency, and Access Populations: Elders with physical or cognitive … Services, Health and Welfare, Unmet Need, and Quality of Life Populations: Elders with physical and cognitive … Autonomy, Unmet Need, Safety, Timeliness, Qualified Providers Populations: Elders with physical or cognitive
January 01, 2004 - complexity and the interdisciplinary scope of
the patient safety problem, including factors related to the cognitive … action); and organizational structures (reporting
mechanisms, barriers, and outcome measures).3
Cognitive … related to patient safety and medical
The interplay among factors
These three domains—cognitive
July 01, 2023 - Demonstrate the efficient use of the checklists, protocols, or similar cognitive aids for safe cesarean … During the simulation, participants are encouraged to practice the use of protocols, checklists, or cognitive
July 01, 2023 - Demonstrate the efficient use of checklists, protocols, or similar cognitive aids for responding to shoulder … During the simulation, participants are encouraged to practice the use of protocols, checklists, or cognitive