March 01, 2022 - Coordinate with a vaccination provider to host an on-site vaccination clinic or let staff
know where … they can get vaccinated in the local community (e.g., pharmacy, health
clinic, or provider’s office
October 01, 2015 - financial assistance through PCMH pilot and demonstration projects, which practices used to improve clinic … long the changes were expected to take. 22 After that, leaders needed to be open to feedback from clinic … well as a finding by Rittenhouse that higher levels of NCQA recognition were associated with larger clinic … staff time needed for education and quality improvement efforts, and to make physical modifications to clinic
January 01, 2022 - Assisted Living COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Clinic Toolkit This vaccine toolkit was specifically designed … These materials include booster clinic guidance for assisted living providers and sample letters for
October 01, 2015 - care models (including shifting tasks from physicians and nurses to medical assistants (MAs) or other clinic … assessed the impact of practice changes on quality measures, patient and provider satisfaction, and clinic
March 01, 2017 - care models (including shifting tasks from physicians and nurses to medical assistants (MAs) or other clinic … assessed the impact of practice changes on quality measures, patient and provider satisfaction, and clinic
January 20, 2006 - Confused, Susan returned to the clinic and told the administrative assistant that she did not have the
January 01, 2012 - earthlink.net
Network Member Role:
Geographic Coverage:
January 01, 2018 - condition as soon as needed
16% 22% 62% 20,996
Got routine appointment at doctor’s
office or clinic … or
condition as soon as needed
9% 12% 79% 27,918
Got routine appointment at doctor’s office or
clinic … or
condition as soon as needed
8% 12% 80% 4,864
Got routine appointment at doctor’s office or
clinic … condition as soon as needed
10% 19% 71% 64,916
Got routine appointment at doctor’s
office or clinic … when you made an appointment for a check-up or routine
care for your child at a doctor's office or clinic
December 01, 2020 - study approach, including qualitative and statistical analyses as well as surveys and interviews of clinic … learned, they then rolled out solutions using a patient experience toolkit implemented across the VA clinic
January 01, 2012 - Network Member Email:
Geographic Coverage:
January 01, 2012 - ucdenver.edu
Network Member Role:
Geographic Coverage:
December 01, 2023 - This project was informed by input from the primary care community, including clinic staff, researchers
November 26, 2013 - Date infant is seen at the
sickle cell clinic is added; a
prescription for penicillin is
March 07, 2019 - Three, set the tone for the upcoming slate of patients or, in some settings, the upcoming clinic session … scenario:
Jack, an elderly man who just had cataract surgery and is not able to drive, was taken to the clinic … team:
Jack, an elderly man who just had cataract surgery and is not able to drive, was taken to the clinic
March 01, 2017 - financial assistance through PCMH pilot and demonstration projects, which practices used to improve clinic … long the changes were expected to take. 22 After that, leaders needed to be open to feedback from clinic … well as a finding by Rittenhouse that higher levels of NCQA recognition were associated with larger clinic … staff time needed for education and quality improvement efforts, and to make physical modifications to clinic
June 01, 2022 - Chairman of Family Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Development of the Medical Office SOPS (PDF, 208 KB)
October 01, 2014 - University of Missouri, Kansas City, and did a General Surgery Residency at Fairview Hospital, Cleveland Clinic
September 01, 2022 - interoperable electronic care (eCare) plan facilitates sharing of patient-centered data across home, community, clinic
August 22, 2018 - Prac_own_FQHC ………. 1 = yes 2 = no
Non-federal government clinic (e.g., state, county, city, public … health clinic, etc.) …….. … Administration, Department of Defense) ……….………… Prac_own_fed …............... 1 = yes 2 = no
Rural Health Clinic
January 01, 2011 - with
hypertension will require the services of
specialists in the setting of a specialized
obesity clinic