June 01, 2013 - Even though the Task force recommends that doctors
and nurses offer you a hepatitis C test, you can choose
January 01, 2017 - health outcomes. 27-32 This result might have been anticipated because decision aids help patients choose … creating an environment in which the net health benefit across a population of reasonable people who choose … clinicians would make a special effort to be aware of effective communication strategies and would choose
January 01, 2017 - health outcomes. 27-32 This result might have been anticipated because decision aids help patients choose … creating an environment in which the net health benefit across a population of reasonable people who choose … clinicians would make a special effort to be aware of effective communication strategies and would choose
April 28, 2016 - U.S. men with prostate cancer detected by PSA-based screening (i.e., what percentage of men initially choose
April 26, 2022 - For patients who are eligible and choose to start taking aspirin, the benefits become smaller with advancing … infarction or stroke) than the potential harms (the risk of gastrointestinal or intracranial bleeding) may choose … potential harms or the burden of taking a daily preventive medication than on the potential benefits may choose
June 04, 2012 - Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care … Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care
June 04, 2012 - Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care … Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care
June 15, 2012 - Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care … Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care
February 01, 2005 - For example, some
clinicians may choose to discuss screening with
male nonsmokers nearing age 65 who … For example, a clinician may
choose to discuss screening in the unusual
circumstance in which a healthy
February 15, 2005 - For example, some clinicians may choose to discuss screening with male nonsmokers nearing age 65 who … For example, a clinician may choose to discuss screening in the unusual circumstance in which a healthy
June 15, 2012 - Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care … Clinicians may choose to selectively counsel patients rather than incorporate counseling into the care
April 01, 2016 - Persons who place a higher value on the
potential benefits than the potential harms may choose to initiate
January 01, 2004 - on health outcomes.27–32 This
result might have been anticipated because decision
aids help patients choose … creating an environment in which
the net health benefit across a population of
reasonable people who choose … clinicians
would make a special effort to be aware of effective
communication strategies and would choose
April 26, 2022 - infarction
or stroke) than the potential harms (the risk of gastrointestinal or
intracranial bleeding) may choose … potential harms or the bur-
den of taking a daily preventive medication than on the potential
benefits may choose … • For patients who are eligible and choose to start taking aspirin, the benefits become smaller with
January 01, 2017 - Clinicians may choose to offer a low- to moderate-dose statin to certain
adults without a history of … potential benefits than on the potential
harms and inconvenience of taking a daily medication may choose … potential benefits than on the potential harms and inconvenience of taking a
daily medication may choose … Women who place a higher value on the potential benefit than the potential harms may choose to begin … Clinicians may choose to offer a
low- to moderate-dose statin to certain adults without a history of
December 01, 2011 - First Annual Report to Congress on High-Priority Evidence Gaps for Clinical Preventive Services - II
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April 06, 2004 - detect lower levels of alcohol consumption that may pose risks during pregnancy. 10 Clinicians can choose
May 23, 2019 - Clinicians can choose screening
strategies that are appropriate for their clinical population
and setting
April 01, 2019 - They reported an interest in being able to choose the level of detail they accessed in recommendations
August 23, 2022 - the potential benefits than on the potential harms and inconvenience of taking a daily medication may choose … The USPSTF also recommended that clinicians may choose to offer a low- to moderate-dose statin to adults