November 01, 2019 - Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Children with Atraumatic Headache: Report
Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the
Evaluation of Children with Atraumatic Headache
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Childr…
April 01, 2016 - Please choose a real person that fits each of the two different categories below.
October 31, 2018 - We choose to include
all unique NDCs during both the lookback year and the eval year,
excluding any … We choose to include all unique NDCs during both the lookback year and the eval year, excluding any NDCs
September 01, 2015 - prioritizes
access over continuity, while the Clinica message prioritizes continuity but allows patients to
choose … Following the initial prenatal group, pregnant women can choose to receive their prenatal care in
July 01, 2018 - You therefore
choose a combination approach to select your sample.
Determine Your Sample Size. … If you choose to submit
your data, you will be able to compare your hospital results with the overall
March 07, 2019 - It's important that the coach choose the right tool for the right person and the right moment.
February 02, 2018 - Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol: Home Mechanical Ventilators
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Home Mechanical Ventilators
Project ID: PULT0717
Initial publication date: February 2, 2018
I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
October 01, 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation
AHRQ’s Safety Program for
Nursing Homes:
On-Time Falls Prevention
Facilitator Training
Introduction to Falls Reports
Falls Prevention
Electronic Reports
Electronic Reports
Falls High-Risk Report
Summary of Fall Risk Factors (by Unit or Facility)
Contextual Factors Report (by Unit or Facilit…
January 01, 2013 - If you use other units or hospitals as comparisons, be
sure to choose comparison groups that have similar
April 01, 2019 - CHIPRA 194: Overuse of Imaging for the Evaluation of Children With Primary Headache Report
Overuse of Imaging for the Evaluation of Children with
Primary Headache
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
Overuse of Imaging for the Evaluation of Children with Primary Headache
1.B. Measure Numbe…
January 01, 2020 - Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans to Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Children with Atraumatic Headache
Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans to
Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of
Children with Atraumatic Headache
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure N…
November 01, 2019 - Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans to Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Children with Atraumatic Seizure: Report
Ratio of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans to
Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of
Children with Atraumatic Seizure
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Mea…
November 01, 2019 - Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the Evaluation of Children with a First Generalized Afebrile, Atraumatic Seizure: Report
Overuse of Computed Tomography Scans for the
Evaluation of Children with a First Generalized
Afebrile, Atraumatic Seizure
Section 1. Basic Measure Information
1.A. Measure Name
July 25, 2016 - • Support friends who choose not to use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, steroids, or diet pills. … • Pediatricians who choose not to prescribe pharmacotherapies should make referrals to
May 01, 2018 - While each UIC has its own meaningful definition, some researchers
choose to aggregate various codes … The core asthma measure has been in use for some time, although many States choose not to
January 01, 2014 - oversight would be to create a structured data
field for referral categories, allowing the provider to choose … clinician to make a referral in a structured field with referral categories, allowing the provider to
March 07, 2019 - So, the key actions for this first step are to choose your Change Team and assure that you have representation
January 01, 2018 - a
statistically representative sample of all U.S. health plans, and a limited number of plans may choose
February 21, 2016 - Key Lessons from the National Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
The National Evaluation of the
CHIPRA Quality Demonstration Grant Program
Key Lessons from the National
Evaluation of the CHIPRA Quality
Demonstration Grant Program
This report was prepared for the Agen…
January 01, 2020 - Furthermore, the user may choose to use
only inpatient data or to also include outpatient data when