
Total Results: 579 records

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    July 03, 2016 - Commentary Training in quality and safety: the current landscape. Citation Text: Karasick AS, Nash DB. Training in quality and safety: the current landscape. Am J Med Qual. 2015;30(6):526-38. doi:10.1177/1062860614544194. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar PubMed BibT…
    September 24, 2010 - Commentary Identified safety risks with splitting and crushing oral medications. Citation Text: Paparella S. Identified safety risks with splitting and crushing oral medications. Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association. 201…
    February 28, 2024 - choice of a PICC versus a central line, even if the infection rates are the same, wouldn't you still choose … The question then becomes, which one do you choose and for what? … And if you choose patient, information on what patients need to know about their PICCs—what questions
    September 12, 2016 - American College of Physicians Ethics Manual also suggests that physicians exercise caution if they choose … If you choose to treat a colleague, it is wise to document the encounter and provide the same level of
    July 11, 2018 - Review Uncertainty in decision making in medicine: a scoping review and thematic analysis of conceptual models. Citation Text: Helou MA, DiazGranados D, Ryan MS, et al. Uncertainty in Decision Making in Medicine. Acad Med. 2020;95(1):157-165. doi:10.1097/acm.0000000000002902. Copy Cita…
    October 31, 2014 - Study Medication safety in two intensive care units of a community teaching hospital after electronic health record implementation: sociotechnical and human factors engineering considerations. Citation Text: Carayon P, Wetterneck TB, Cartmill R, et al. Medication Safety in Two Intensive …
  7. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 30, 2019 - choice of a PICC versus a central line, even if the infection rates are the same, wouldn't you still choose … The question then becomes, which one do you choose and for what? … And if you choose patient, information on what patients need to know about their PICCs—what questions
    September 23, 2020 - Review The challenges of electronic health records and diabetes electronic prescribing: implications for safety net care for diverse populations. Citation Text: Ratanawongsa N, Chan LLS, Fouts MM, et al. The Challenges of Electronic Health Records and Diabetes Electronic Prescribing: Imp…
    September 07, 2019 - example, most physicians agree that errors should be fully disclosed to patients, but in practice many "choose
    December 22, 2008 - Study Hospitalized patients' attitudes about and participation in error prevention. Citation Text: Waterman AD, Gallagher TH, Garbutt J, et al. Brief report: Hospitalized patients' attitudes about and participation in error prevention. J Gen Intern Med. 2006;21(4):367-70. Copy Citati…
    January 23, 2008 - Study Classic The emotional impact of medical errors on practicing physicians in the United States and Canada. Citation Text: Waterman AD, Garbutt J, Hazel E, et al. The emotional impact of medical errors on practicing physicians in the United States and Canada.…
    August 17, 2017 - Study "Black Women Should Not Die Giving Life": The lived experiences of Black women diagnosed with severe maternal morbidity in the United States. Citation Text: Post W, Thomas AD, Sutton KM. “Black Women Should Not Die Giving Life”: The lived experiences of Black women diagnosed with s…
    June 16, 2011 - Review Classic Defining and measuring patient safety. Citation Text: Pronovost P, Thompson DA, Holzmueller CG, et al. Defining and measuring patient safety. Crit Care Clin. 2005;21(1):1-19, vii. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX …
    April 30, 2014 - Study Evaluation of an anonymous system to report medical errors in pediatric inpatients. Citation Text: Taylor JA, Brownstein D, Klein EJ, et al. Evaluation of an anonymous system to report medical errors in pediatric inpatients. J Hosp Med. 2007;2(4):226-33. Copy Citation Forma…
    September 24, 2010 - Commentary What's in your kit? A safety checkup may be in order. Citation Text: Paparella S. What's In Your Kit? A Safety Checkup May Be In Order. Journal of emergency nursing: JEN : official publication of the Emergency Department Nurses Association. 2015;41(6):513-5. doi:10.1016/j.jen.…
    September 25, 2011 - Study Clinical validation of the AHRQ postoperative venous thromboembolism patient safety indicator. Citation Text: Henderson KE, Recktenwald AJ, Reichley RM, et al. Clinical validation of the AHRQ postoperative venous thromboembolism patient safety indicator. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf.…
    February 24, 2016 - Commentary A call for safety: anticipating and mitigating risk across an obstetrics and gynecology service line. Citation Text: Combs A, Klein VR. A call for safety: anticipating and mitigating risk across an obstetrics and gynecology service line. J Healthc Risk Manag. 2023;43(1):38-42.…
    October 04, 2011 - Commentary Integrating ethics and patient safety: the role of clinical ethics consultants in quality improvement. Citation Text: Opel DJ, Brownstein D, Diekema DS, et al. Integrating ethics and patient safety: the role of clinical ethics consultants in quality improvement. J Clin Ethic…
    April 11, 2011 - Study Patient safety problems in adolescent medical care. Citation Text: Woods D, Holl JL, Klein JD, et al. Patient safety problems in adolescent medical care. J Adolesc Health. 2006;38(1):5-12. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 X…
    October 12, 2011 - Government Resource Healthcare 411. Mistake proofing the health care environment. Citation Text: Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research; AHRQ Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Share Facebook Twitter Linkedin Copy …

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