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    January 30, 2019 - Book/Report The Public's Views on Medical Error in Massachusetts. Citation Text: The Public's Views on Medical Error in Massachusetts. Boston, MA: Harvard School of Public Health; December 2014. Copy Citation Save Save to your library Print Download PDF …
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2015 - RW: How did you choose the methodology for that study? … Medical students choose to go into surgery because they like it, they think it's cool, or they think … 25356517 RW: If you had access to both the videos and the outcomes, which would you choose
  3. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 01, 2004 - American College of Physicians Ethics Manual also suggests that physicians exercise caution if they choose … If you choose to treat a colleague, it is wise to document the encounter and provide the same level of
    April 26, 2023 - Study Is my patient ready for a safe transfer to a lower-intensity care setting? Nursing complexity as an independent predictor of adverse events risk after ICU discharge. Citation Text: Sanson G, Marino C, Valenti A, et al. Is my patient ready for a safe transfer to a lower-intensity ca…
    April 06, 2022 - Review Digital health interventions and patient safety in abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Citation Text: Grygorian A, Montano D, Shojaa M, et al. Digital health interventions and patient safety in abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Ne…
    June 26, 2019 - Review Emerging Classic A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis on the risks of medical discharge letters for patients' safety. Citation Text: Schwarz CM, Hoffmann M, Schwarz P, et al. A systematic literature review and narrative synthesis on the …
    February 09, 2022 - Review Medication errors in intensive care units: an umbrella review of control measures. Citation Text: Dionisi S, Giannetta N, Liquori G, et al. Medication errors in intensive care units: an umbrella review of control measures. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;10(7):1221. doi:10.3390/healthcar…
    August 17, 2022 - Review Medication errors' causes analysis in home care setting: a systematic review. Citation Text: Dionisi S, Di Simone E, Liquori G, et al. Medication errors' causes analysis in home care setting: A systematic review. Public Health Nurs. 2022;39(4):876-897. doi:10.1111/phn.13037. Cop…
    June 09, 2021 - Study Hearing impairment and the amelioration of avoidable medical error: a cross-sectional survey. Citation Text: Henn P, O’Tuathaigh C, Keegan D, et al. Hearing impairment and the amelioration of avoidable medical error: a cross-sectional survey. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(3):e155-e160. do…
    September 23, 2020 - Study Classic How do patients want physicians to handle mistakes? A survey of internal medicine patients in an academic setting. Citation Text: Witman AB, Park DM, Hardin SB. How do patients want physicians to handle mistakes? A survey of internal medicine pat…
    January 22, 2017 - Commentary Falls prevention at Mayo Clinic Rochester: a path to quality care. Citation Text: Sulla SJ, McMyler E. Falls prevention at Mayo Clinic Rochester: a path to quality care. J Nurs Care Qual. 2007;22(2):138-44. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX End…
    February 05, 2014 - Multi-use Website PACT Collaborative: Pathway to Accountability, Compassion and Transparency. Citation Text: PACT Collaborative: Pathway to Accountability, Compassion and Transparency. Ariadne Labs, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Copy Citation …
    June 21, 2016 - Commentary Our stubborn quest for diagnostic certainty. Citation Text: Kassirer JP. Our stubborn quest for diagnostic certainty. N Engl J Med. 1989;320(22):1489-1491. doi:10.1056/nejm198906013202211. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 X…
    June 01, 2004 - Commentary Disclosing medical errors to patients: a status report in 2007. Citation Text: Levinson W, Gallagher TH. Disclosing medical errors to patients: a status report in 2007. CMAJ. 2007;177(3):265-7. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNote X3 XML E…
    November 27, 2019 - However, it is imperative that institutions choose one dosing strategy for the adult population and one … norepinephrine can be weight-based (mcg/kg/min) or non-weight-based (mcg/min) – institutions should choose
    December 22, 2018 - A Little Shuteye Citation Text: Farion KJ. A Little Shuteye. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2003. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagged PubMedId RIS …
    August 17, 2022 - Study Three scans are better than two for follow-up: an automatic method for finding missed and misidentified lesions in cross-sectional follow-up of oncology patients. Citation Text: Joskowicz L, Di Veroli B, Lederman R, et al. Three scans are better than two for follow-up: an automatic…
    September 16, 2020 - Review Patient safety implications of wearing a face mask for prevention in the era of COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and consensus recommendations. Citation Text: Balestracci B, La Regina M, Di Sessa D, et al. Patient safety implications of wearing a face mask for prevention in …
  19. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2003 - A Little Shuteye July 1, 2003 Farion KJ. A Little Shuteye. PSNet [internet]. 2003. The Case A 3-year-old boy was seen in urgent care for a superficial laceration above the left eyebrow. The pediatrician had heard of the availability of topical skin adhesive that can be…
    September 07, 2016 - Commentary The checklist: recognize limits, but harness its power. Citation Text: Alspach JAG. The Checklist: Recognize Limits, but Harness Its Power. Crit Care Nurse. 2017;37(5):12-18. doi:10.4037/ccn2017603. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNote X…

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