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April 24, 2019 - CER 216 Disposition of Comments Report: Telehealth for Acute and Chronic Care Consultations
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Telehealth for Acute and Chronic Care Consultations
Draft review available for public comment from May 29, 2018 to June 26, 2018.
January 01, 2021 - and the relevance, recency, and availability of evidence tables with relevant information, we will choose
December 01, 2019 - Why do you choose one over another? Please feel free to provide examples.
February 16, 2011 - Evidence Report on the
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: February 16, 2011
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Comparative Effectiveness of Treatments for
Noncyclic Chronic Pelvic Pain in Women
Protocol Posting Date: October 19, 20…
January 01, 2007 - Survey of Medicare Part D Plans’ Medication Therapy Management Programs
Effective Health Care
Research Reports
Number 1
Survey of Medicare Part D Plans’
Medication Therapy Management Programs
Daniel R. Touchette, Pharm.D., M.A.
Anne L. Burns, R.Ph.
Marcie A. Bough, Pharm.D.
Juan C. Blackburn, M.D., M.B.…
February 01, 2014 - Evidence-Based
Evidence-based Practice
The Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ), through its Evidence-
based Practice Centers (EPCs), sponsors
the development of evidence reports and
technology assessments to assist public-
and private-sector organizations in their
efforts to imp…
November 01, 2014 - For example, to optimize the PD
effect of a concentration-dependent antibiotic, clinicians
may choose
December 01, 2019 - episode and 33 to 65 percent of patients who have had more than two episodes. 22 Currently, clinicians choose
December 01, 2019 - Clinicians and families are left to choose among the interventions in part based on what is available
November 01, 2020 - When information about clinical importance is unknown or poorly validated,
investigators may choose to
September 15, 2014 - Here the evidence can help to choose between the options
of TURP, laser and microwave therapy for CUR
March 10, 2010 - reading the report, without knowledge of the totality of the
data, they would be very unlikely to choose
November 01, 2013 - EPCs may choose which of these two notions of consistency (direction or magnitude) they
are scoring; … design-specific strength of evidence grades into one overall strength of evidence grade, or
they may choose … EPCs may choose to determine an appropriate subset of studies for presenting review
findings and strength … differing levels of study limitations, EPCs
should consider all evidence, but they may ultimately choose
June 01, 2011 - and “How should physicians choose an
airway clearance therapy for a given patient with cystic fibrosis … We encourage members to be consistent in how they choose to fill out this worksheet,
both within themselves … Members
should choose the most important reason(s) for the existence of the research gap. … Members
may choose to enter codes for more than one reason in this column, as appropriate. … and “How should physicians
choose an airway clearance therapy for a given patient with cystic fibrosis
February 01, 2018 - similarity, or exchangeability
► Consistency (between direct and indirect evidence)
• Investigators may choose
June 01, 2012 - intermediate-risk patients, clinicians have a wide range of
noninvasive diagnostic modalities to choose … the spectrum of intermediate probability
between 10 and 90 percent for which the clinicians must
January 01, 2007 - to be inferior to the other drug
classes in terms of efficacy, clinicians may find it
difficult to choose … Generally, clinicians must
choose between older, less expensive medications such
as a second-generation
October 01, 2016 - Choose a perspective depending on the research question and the relevant stakeholders. … Choose a perspective depending on the research question and the relevant
August 01, 2019 - The EPC may choose to restrict to specific measurement methods (i.e., only including studies that used