January 01, 2023 - We had to choose whether
we would calculate eligibility for personalization in advance of a patient … We had to choose a strategy to represent a patient who fit eligibility criteria for a phenotype. … We had to choose
between representing phenotype as membership in a group, using a FHIR Group resource
January 01, 2023 - This information is for reference purposes only. It was current when produced and may now be outdated. Archive material is no longer maintained, and some links may not work. Persons with disabilities having difficulty accessing this information should contact us at: https://digital.ahrq.gov/contact-us . Let us know th…
January 01, 2018 - Bear may also choose to suppress alerts, if he deems them unnecessary.
1. Measure Reports 2.
January 01, 2015 - and the
mechanisms behind each treatment modality, e.g. radiation; 3) allowing the patient/user to
choose … and the
mechanisms behind each treatment modality, e.g. radiation; 3) allowing the patient/user to
January 01, 2018 - Tandem insulin pump, the
high thresholds differ (>180 for Dexcom and >175 for Tandem) so which do they choose … to
believe and which color do they choose to react to (the ‘high’ orange on their pump vs. the ‘high
October 11, 2011 - .
• If you wish to be unmuted, choose the “raise hand” option to notify the host.
• If you have a question
January 01, 2018 - We
therefore ask patients to choose as their baseline responses symptoms on an average week in which
February 01, 2010 - an STI and is
sexually active
only use if not
receiving "at risk for
STI" script
Please choose … Yes At risk for STI
Plug in "have had
unprotected sex."
5 Please choose either "Yes," "No" or "Don't … No
5 Please choose either "Yes," "No" or "Don't know" for the next set of questions.
January 01, 2011 - The patient can choose at any time to
have the VPA assess his or her understanding of the medication
July 01, 2015 - Insurers choose between paying 0.199 percent of all health care claims paid for their
Vermont members … want their medical information to be accessible to authorized health care
providers through DHIN may choose … If you choose not to participate, health care
providers will not be able to look for your records in … Patients/consumers may choose to participate in the system again at any time.
January 02, 2025 - However, if they choose to conduct an
electronic medication history
transaction in the context of e … within the time allowed, with
the adopted standards for those e-
prescribing functionalities they choose … voluntary nature of e-
prescribing for dispensers and
prescribers under Medicare Part D,
prescribers can choose … However, this
exception applies only to transmission
failures, and not simply to those who
choose … Microsoft Word-
based prescription writers) will not be
required to conduct these transactions
(if they choose
September 30, 2008 - They can choose to acknowledge a policy that says, “I don't want to
share my data” or there are some
January 01, 2018 - process also affects trust in the artifact and highlights
decision points that future implementers may choose … Subsequent implementers
might choose to replace the local codes with LOINC codes, once available. … Trouble can arise when developers pick and choose
where they want to align (e.g., opioid prescribing … With this new capability, authors choose a basic element type
and associate it with one or more value
July 01, 2005 - If you wish to be un-muted, choose the “raise hand” option to
notify the host.
January 01, 2017 - This study is the first to measure how providers choose to
complete clinical documentation across their
January 01, 2010 - The participant was asked to choose the
picture that best represented the type and size of beverage
January 01, 2018 - Generally, healthcare providers choose not to run their own
data management systems, but purchase this
August 27, 2008 - � If at any time you wish to be unmuted to post a question “live”, please
choose the “raise hand”
October 01, 2009 - It’s very common
for evaluators to choose measures that they’re just interested in general and aren’
October 01, 2009 - It’s very common
for evaluators to choose measures that they’re just interested in general and aren’