April 30, 2015 - Please choose one response:
Much worse Worse
Neither better nor
Better Much better
January 01, 2023 - transition and to avoid "alert fatigue," which happens when physicians who are flooded withcomputer alerts choose
January 01, 2023 - support an electronic prescription program, should any of their providers and pharmacies voluntarily choose
January 01, 2021 - select a value from the dropdown
list (e.g., colleague, conference/workshop,
university class, etc) or choose … These fields allow authors to choose
from example values provided by the FHIR
specification or to … For example,
an author can choose a code-based
property and indicate a set of codes it
should match … As another example,
an author could choose a quantity-based
property and indicate a range it should … Report
5.5 Additional Resources
and Modifiers
The CDS Authoring Tool allows authors to
January 01, 2012 - criteria can lead to compromised financial gains of an EHR
vendor because customers are likely to choose … Rather than attempt
to claim that these regulations are directly comparable here, we choose to mention
January 01, 2008 - Rural Trial of Clinic Order Entry with Decision Support - 2008
Project Name
Rural Trial of Clinic Order Entry with Decision Support
Principal Investigator
Samore, Matthew
University of Utah
Funding Mechanism
RFA: HS04-012: Demonstrating the Value of Hea…
January 01, 2014 - Choose a diet of fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products.
January 04, 2021 - • If you wish to be unmuted, choose the “raise hand” option to
notify the host.
June 01, 2008 - If you
wish to be unmuted, you can choose “raise hand,” which is to the center right of your
screen … You can type in your
question in the chat box and choose all panelists to send, or you can choose … all
attendees as well but at least choose all panelists when you send your question, and I
will read
December 01, 2009 - In 2009, physicians could choose from 153 PQRI
certified by the Certification quality measures in a
October 13, 2009 - Please choose one based on your confidence in the numbers
Name and Title
March 01, 2009 - If
an appropriate reason is not available to choose or
enter in free text, or if the system does not
October 01, 2009 - Tennessee, Arizona, Alabama, Florida, Wyoming
• Offer either/both
– Delaware, Connecticut
How to Choose … Opportunities
Medicaid Transformation Grants (MTGs)
The e-Rx Package
Various e-Rx Approaches
How to Choose
September 01, 2024 - patient-specific information with different treatment options in a way that allows clinicians and patients to choose
December 31, 2015 - • If you wish to be unmuted, choose the “raise hand” option to
notify the host. … Exchange Core Components
Governance and Administration
• Three different options for states to choose
January 01, 2019 - Electronic Health Record Use, Work Environments & Patient Outcomes - Final Report
Title: Electronic Health Record Use, Work Environments & Patient Outcomes
Principal Investigator: Ann Kutney-Lee
Team Members: Linda H. Aiken, Kathryn Bowles, Douglas Sloane,…
January 01, 2023 - We choose settings where it's easy to get providers to use it," he says.
September 01, 2008 - content included in the CCD/CCR
At runtime, when importing or exporting CCD documents, the user may choose … medications, vital signs, problems, etc.) and within each category may choose to include or exclude specific
January 01, 2024 - A followup survey was designed to determine if patients choose the same surgical outcome most important
January 01, 2011 - Each participant was handed a sheet with a selection of 3 or 4 scenarios to choose
from, based on their … clinic’s EHR system to provide an
ordered list of default selections from which the clinician may choose … By
default, all ACCORDs allow a patient to choose an option to “do nothing”. … Discussion
The ACCORD model has the following characteristics:
• Choice: Providers and patients can choose