January 01, 2012 - , and human-computer
interaction professionals identified and recruited potential speakers, helped choose
January 01, 2010 - Using Innovative Communication Technology to Improve the Health of Young African American Women - 2010
Project Name
Using Innovative Communication Technology to Improve the Health of Young African American Women
Principal Investigator
Jack, Brian
Boston Universit…
July 15, 2014 - A National Web Conference on Managing Change To Achieve Successful Health IT Implementation
Event Details
Date: July 15, 2014 Time: 2:30pm to 4:00pm
Presenters: Pascale Carayon, Ph.D., Lee Green, M.D., M.P.H., Paulina Sockolow, Dr.P.H., M.S., M.B.A.
Overall Purpose:
The Agency for Healthcare Res…
September 14, 2016 - (Choose
o Very satisfied
o Somewhat satisfied
o Neutral
o Somewhat unsatisfied
o Very unsatisfied … For what % of patients do you choose to look at clinical reminders now?
January 01, 2008 - members - with a delay of 10 working days to allow physicians to contact their patients first, if they choose
September 14, 2016 - I would be more likely to choose that
doctor’s office
I would be less likely to choose that
January 01, 2010 - Through an iterative process, each clinic will choose the screening, prevention, chronic disease management
January 01, 2023 - If clinicians choose to click on the button, they see the patient’s last three measurements for weight
January 01, 2023 - Optimizing Care Delivery for Clinicians
2023 Research Stories
An App to Help Rural Paramedics Improve Timeliness to Deliver Life-Saving Care for Patients Experiencing Heart Attacks Developing and implementing a point-of-care clinical decision support mobile application fo…
January 01, 2021 - Improving Healthcare Through AHRQ's Digital Healthcare Research Program: 2021 Year in Review
Executive Summary
"The Digital Healthcare Research Program funds research to create actionable findings around 'what and how digital healthcare technologies work best' for its key stakehold…
January 01, 2010 - Through an
iterative process, each clinic will choose the screening, prevention, chronic disease management
December 12, 2008 - Quality Measures for Colonoscopy
12/12/2008 Logan_QMforColonoscopy_Narrative_v4.doc 1
Quality Measures for Colonoscopy, CORI v4
The Excellence Reports will report individual performance on a set of quality measures
for colonoscopy derived from published recommendations. In addition to the quality
measures, …
January 01, 2010 - Using Innovative Communication Technology to Improve the Health of Young African-American Women
1 | Using innovative CommUniCation teChnology to improve the
health of yoUng afriCan-ameriCan Women
2010 ContraCt Summary
Using Innovative Communication Technology to Improve the
Health of Young African-American Women…
January 01, 2010 - Benchmarking Questions
Benchmarking questions
primarily related to workflow
The following questions can be used to better understand others’ experiences with the health IT
system or vendor and the impact or consequences of the health IT on workflow postimplementation.
General questions regarding implemen…
August 12, 2005 - Structuring Clinical Practice Guidelines in a Relational Database Model for Decision Support on the Internet
©2005 David F. Lobach
Health Information Value in a Community Network
David F. Lobach, MD, PhD, MS
Division of Clinical Informatics
Department of Community and Family Medicine
Duke University Me…
September 30, 2010 - We choose settings where it's easy to get providers to use it," he says.
January 01, 2011 - Patients will choose their preferred method and information gathered will be incorporated into the patient
January 01, 2011 - Features may be implemented at the practice level, but physicians may not choose to use them.
January 01, 2019 - Strengthening Patient Engagement To Improve Care and Shared Decision Making
Impact Stories
A Simple Mobile Application is Key to Patient Engagement in Reporting and Monitoring of Asthma Symptoms …
June 01, 2011 - She explained that it is advisable to choose an issue or study question on which
vendors are already … Kaushal noted she has found it helpful to choose priority research questions that are
important to both … Because of the rapidly evolving nature of
health IT, if researchers choose a study question that is … However, if they choose an issue that is academically interesting yet on the periphery of
the vendor