
Total Results: 1,520 records

Showing results for "choose".

    January 01, 2008 - ) Abandoning our critical judgment (as clinicians, we work with the patient and family to help them choose … means encouraging and supporting patients and families in care and decision making at the level they choose … If you have time, you may choose to show a video that was jointly produced by American Hospital Association … Patient and family advisors as members of hospital quality and safety committees Not all hospitals will choose
    June 01, 2021 - Choose only one role. Question 7.
    June 01, 2021 - If you choose, “He probably has a UTI because the urine is cloudy”, or “He probably has a UTI because … If you choose, “He seems to be feeling well.
  4. Rafael Borja (doc file)
    September 09, 2014 - A lot of sick patients and if they’re on rounds, and they have to choose at the end of rounding on a … If they have to choose between going through a checklist and a safety checklist that includes whether … catheter can come out versus one more medical problem of the patients and they’re obviously going to choose … room with a patient who has great respiratory physiology on their ventilator screen, then I’m going to choose
    December 26, 2018 - Disseminate Complete Checklist Note: You must use the UP and DOWN ARROW instead of TAB or SHIFT + TAB to fill out this form. This document contains twenty-two links. TalkingQuality Your Project Checklist: Promote Your Health Care Quality Report to Consumers This document contains checklists for the following sectio…
    May 17, 2021 - Primary Care Practice Facilitator Training Series 2 Tables Choose tables when you need
    May 28, 2015 - Consider a Physician Compact /Written Engagement Plan Physician Champion Choosing a Physician Champion Choose
    October 01, 2020 - Slide 29: Build a Measurement System Choose who, what, when, and how to measure – WHO will measure … Set the goals – Example: To sustain a low rate of surgical site infections within unit/facility Choose
  9. Facilitator-Notes (doc file)
    March 01, 2017 - Facilitator Notes SAY: The Comprehensive LTC Safety Modules assist users with how to apply safety principles. This overview module explains the purpose of the toolkit and how it can be used in your facility’s quality improvement initiatives. SLIDE 1 SAY: The objectives of this module are to— · Describe the purpo…
    June 01, 2017 - role   Implementer role    Changing role throughout the project   Can pick and choose
  11. Mutual Support (pdf file)
    June 12, 2017 - DESC-It � Have timely discussion � Work on win-win � Frame problem in terms of your own experience � Choose
    June 05, 2016 - In addition, your hospital may choose to use only those tools that you find helpful.
    December 01, 2011 - While each UIC has its own meaningful definition, some researchers choose to aggregate various codes
    August 01, 2017 - the Group Health Research Institute recommends the following steps to conducting planned visits:4  Choose
    June 01, 2021 - You should choose the strongest action possible for each situation. … Try to choose stronger interventions, like standardizing equipment or care processes, if possible.
    November 01, 2019 - Stewardship programs generally choose to perform pre- prescription approval of antibiotics or post-prescription … ASPs should choose additional adjunct interventions based on local improvement needs.
    February 14, 2013 - Please choose one or more. 1  White 2  Black or African American 3  Asian 4  Native Hawaiian … Please choose one or more. 1  White 2  Black or African American 3  Asian 4  Native Hawaiian
  18. Paul Tedrick (doc file)
    July 08, 2014 - not synonymous with immobilization patients who cannot be moved are different than patients who may choose … So, at our own institution, whether providers who order urinary catheters choose to select a nurse-driven … protocol for catheter removal, choose to select a pre-specified condition time or date for catheter … removal, or choose to assess on a daily basis the ongoing need for urinary catheter. … Why did we choose the surgery ward?
    March 20, 2017 - Hospital Survey Document No. 909 Page 4 included in a consumer reports, report sponsors may choose … Users may choose to calculate the reliability of their results to ensure a sufficient level for public
    March 20, 2017 - Hospital Survey Document No. 909 Page 4 included in a consumer reports, report sponsors may choose … Users may choose to calculate the reliability of their results to ensure a sufficient level for public

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