December 01, 2018 - Future implementers may
choose to refine the logic to best
serve their providers and patient
population … F uture
implementers may choose to
further investigate this approach.
16 … Moving forward, implementers
may choose to create a referral
value set if standardized codes are
January 01, 2023 - Organizations that
elect to implement this code will likely choose to expand upon the CDS intervention … Future implementers may choose to utilize other definitions (e.g., some
definitions list different waist … Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Future implementers may choose to implement other definitions (e.g., some definitions list
different … Alternatively, they may choose to map qualifying data in their system to the CQL code as
April 01, 2021 - Vendors and integrators may also
choose to use the CQL Testing Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Organizations that elect to implement this code will likely choose to expand upon the CDS
intervention … patients is
moderate to substantial.6 The recommendation summary also states that “clinicians may choose … cardiovascular event of 10 percent or greater.”2 The
USPSTF recommendation summary also states, “clinicians may choose … 7.5 percent – 10 percent for the Grade C recommendaiton.2 Future implementers
can elect whether they choose
September 01, 2022 - Vendors and integrators may also choose to use the CQL Testing
Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Organizations that
elect to implement this code will likely choose to expand upon the CDS intervention … patients is moderate to substantial.
6 The recommendation summary
also states that “clinicians may choose … The
USPSTF recommendation summary also states, “clinicians may choose to offer low- to moderate-dose … Future implementers can elect whether they choose to
implement one or both of the recommendation statements
December 12, 2014 - \\parANTOINETTE\\lquote s goal: \\par\\tab [ ] Choose _________ (a healthy food) instead of _________ … \\par%1\\rquote s goal: \\par\\tab [ ] Choose ______" , "___ (a healthy food) instead of ___________
August 29, 2020 - Implementation Guide
Warfarin - Antidepressants
Prepared by:
MDIA contact information
Under funding from AHRQ grants R21 HS023826 and R01 HS025984
MDIA publication No. 002
August 29, 2020
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do no…
May 01, 2020 - Vendors and integrators may also
choose to use the CQL Testing Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to adjust the inclusion criteria to support a
broader population of patients … Future implementers of this artifact may choose to include alerts reinforcing specific CDC guidelines … Future implementers may choose to remove this criterion or expand the
inclusion logic.
September 01, 2022 - Vendors and integrators may also choose to use the CQL Testing
Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to support patients
younger than 18.
• The CDC exclusion criteria … Future implementers of this artifact may choose to include alerts reinforcing specific CDC or other … Future implementers may choose to remove this criterion or expand the
inclusion logic.
September 01, 2021 - Vendors and integrators may also
choose to use the CQL Testing Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to support patients younger
than 18. … Future implementers of this artifact may choose to include alerts reinforcing specific CDC or other … Future implementers may choose to
remove this criterion or expand the inclusion logic.
January 01, 2023 - Vendors and integrators may also choose to use the CQL Testing
Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to support
patients younger than 18. … Future implementers of this artifact may choose to include alerts reinforcing specific CDC or other … Future implementers may choose to remove this criterion or expand the
inclusion logic.
October 01, 2017 - guideline for statin use acknowledges lesser benefit above age 75, which could cause some organizations to choose
September 01, 2021 - Vendors and integrators may also
choose to use the CQL Testing Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to utilize
other definitions (e.g., some definitions list different waist … Alternatively, they may choose to map qualifying data in their system to
the CQL code and value sets … Future implementers may choose to implement other
definitions (e.g., some definitions list different … Alternatively, they may choose to map qualifying
data in their system to the CQL code as is.
September 01, 2022 - Vendors and integrators may also choose to use the CQL Testing
Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Future implementers may choose to utilize other definitions (e.g., some
definitions list different waist … Alternatively, they may choose to map
qualifying data in their system to the CQL code and value sets … Future implementers may choose to implement other definitions (e.g., some definitions list
different … Alternatively, they may choose to map qualifying data in their system to the CQL code as
January 01, 2022 - In many cases, users can choose between FHIR 4.0.0 and
FHIR 4.0.1 when downloading their artifact CQL
January 01, 2019 - Organizations using the AT should
choose between using the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) interface … To build a data element, users could
choose a broad data element type (e.g., condition, procedure, observation … to a
specific version of FHIR when they are created, while the other approach allowed authors to
choose … To do this, the authors first choose the library by its
name and then choose an element within the library … Organizations using the AT to author CDS logic may need
to choose between using VSAC or standing up
December 01, 2018 - Future implementers may choose to adjust the inclusion criteria to support a
broader population of patients … Future implementers of this artifact may choose to include alerts reinforcing specific CDC guidelines … Future implementers may choose to remove this criterion or expand the
inclusion logic.
December 01, 2017 - Pain Management Resources to Support Clinical Decision Support Artifact Development: An Environmental Scan
Pain Management
Resources to Support
Clinical Decision
Support Artifact
An Environmental Scan
CDS Connect
Pain Management Resources to Support
Clinical Decision Support Artifact
January 01, 2018 - process also affects trust in the artifact and highlights
decision points that future implementers may choose … Subsequent implementers
might choose to replace the local codes with LOINC codes, once available. … Trouble can arise when developers pick and choose
where they want to align (e.g., opioid prescribing … With this new capability, authors choose a basic element type
and associate it with one or more value
January 01, 2010 - Vendors and integrators may also
choose to use the CQL Testing Framework to test any site- or product-specific … Local implementers may choose to add these specifications based
on their organization’s policy and practice
January 01, 2024 - Vendors and integrators may also choose to use the CQL Testing
https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/repository … Organizations that
elect to implement this code will likely choose to expand upon the CDS intervention … Future implementers can elect whether they choose to
implement one or both of the recommendation statements