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    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    November 01, 2018 - Clarify the Extent and Nature of Choices Some people truly are limited in their choice of health plans … At the same time, you can do some “myth-busting” to ensure that people who have real choices are aware … This guide includes checklists for consumers who need to make different kinds of health care choices. … This may involve helping people narrow their choices by: Reducing the number of plans or providers … Both strategies—helping people narrow their choices and helping them integrate complex information about
    September 01, 2020 - Strategies for Presenting Choices Slide 29/Strategy 5: Offer Choices Slide 30/Strategy 6: Engage … Strategies for presenting choices include offering choices; engaging patients, families, and friends; … Strategies for Presenting Choices Section 3: Strategies for Presenting Choices In this third section … Strategy 5 is to offer choices. … and offer choices.
    December 01, 2012 - Engineering System Design to Support Behavior Choices Slide 11. … Managing Error and Risk 1 Human Error Product of our current system design and behavioral choices … Manage through changes in: Choices. Processes. Procedures. Training. Design. … Behavioral Choices. Improved Outcomes. Learning Systems. Accountability and Justice. … Engineering System Design to Support Behavior Choices 1 Punitive Culture: Transparency is impossible
    August 01, 2022 - Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices. … Behavioral choices. Learning systems. Accountability and justice. … Behavioral choices—Managing human behavior is essential to refining outcomes. … of the choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm.  … More importantly, staff must hold themselves and others accountable for making appropriate choices.
    August 01, 2022 - Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices. … Behavioral choices. Learning systems. Accountability and justice. … Behavioral choices—Managing human behavior is essential to refining outcomes. … of the choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm.  … More importantly, staff must hold themselves and others accountable for making appropriate choices.
    February 01, 2016 - There are at times several acceptable options for prophylaxis, and there are often multiple choices for … risk assessment and bleeding risk assessment are ideally performed quickly and concurrently when the choices … Only the protocol-preferred choices can be presented to ordering providers for any given combination … Choices other than those on the preferred list can be made, but a clinician must first explicitly opt … Capturing all data element choices in the ordering process, including the declared DVT risk level and
    May 01, 2017 - Staff, in turn, are accountable for the quality of the choices they make to ensure their patients … Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices. … Behavioral choices; 4. Learning systems; and 5. Accountability and justice. … In a Just Culture environment, the quality of behavioral choices should be emphasized more than the … outcome of the choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm.
    June 01, 2010 - Opportunity To Make Choices About Providers Measure Source Notes Choice … Opportunity To Make Choices About Services Measure Source Notes Parent's … HIV ambulatory care satisfaction: multiple items related to making choices about treatment options … Proportion of people who make choices about their daily routines and activities Quality Indicators … Customers make informed choices and have control about their services.
  14. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - There's a lot of system contribution, but there's also the issue of the individual's choices. … In this complexity, there are overlapping demands and choices that have to be made. … Some of those choices are going to be knowing violations of policy. … But a person's choices dictate the likelihood of the future event. … And it's these choices that we're going to hold people accountable for.
    January 01, 2024 - funder understanding of how consumer information can influence appropriate, quality-based healthcare choices … funders’ understanding of how consumer information can influence appropriate, quality-based healthcare choices … receive quality information, how it is used as a decision-making tool, and its impact on healthcare choices … choosing a health plan, a particular provider, a course of treatment, or how to incorporate healthy choices … disseminate information, and support advocacy efforts to help consumers understand their healthcare choices
    January 01, 2017 - - sensitive choices frequently faced by aging veterans (e.g., choice of long-term services and supports … These decisions do NOT need to be treatment choices. … For aging veterans, SDM is a best practice for choices that support aging-in- place. … • Decision aids (i.e., worksheets) to facilitate making choices about LTSS. … What Veterans Need to Make LTSS Choices 43 Our goal is to shift the veteran’s role—and the care
    January 01, 2010 - hospitals’ characteristics and information technology as well as patients’ characteristics and hospital choices … Inpatient Medicare claims data are the source of patient-level choices and characteristics. … for hospital services using patient characteristics, hospital characteristics, and observed patient choices … health IT by type of inpatient service. ( Ongoing ) Evaluate the effect of changes in patient hospital choices
  18. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 13, 2020 - selecting-safe-and-easier-use-products-healthcare-using-human-factors- specification-and Poor equipment and device choices … human factors expertise is required, developing a human factors specification and evaluating potential choices
    principles adopted by Connecting for Health, the technical constraints governing the work, what subsequent choices … were made, and why those choices were made.
    January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient can … Continued) Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all