January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
January 18, 2017 - Informed consent for medical treatment requires clear communication about
choices. … 15/Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice
Informed consent requires clear communication about choices … Of course, the information about the choices must always be presented in a way that the patient
can … Continued)
Clinicians often find that using decision aids helps them structure conversations about choices … Certain skills, such as how best to offer choices and explain the benefits, harms, and risks of all
May 01, 2020 - health insurance plans, what factors drive their decisions, and what are the implications of those choices … research has advanced professional knowledge in health care financing and delivery, health insurance choices
June 01, 2010 - Opportunities to make choices about providers.
Opportunities to make choices about services.
January 01, 2017 - SDM works best for preference-sensitive choices. … These decisions do NOT need to be treatment choices. … For aging veterans, SDM is a best practice for choices that support aging-in-place. … Decision aids (i.e., worksheets) to facilitate making choices about LTSS. … Veteran-directed choices based on goals and priorities.
January 01, 2010 - hospitals’ characteristics and information technology as well as
patients’ characteristics and hospital choices … Inpatient Medicare claims data are the source of patient-level choices and
characteristics. … for hospital services using patient
characteristics, hospital characteristics, and observed patient choices … (Ongoing)
• Evaluate the effect of changes in patient hospital choices using consumer surplus as a
October 01, 2018 - Be consistent about design choices.
Maintain a complementary design across related materials. … Be Consistent About Design Choices
Whether on paper or on the Web, the design and format you choose … across organizations reduces the likelihood of bias and makes it easier for consumers to compare their choices
December 01, 2012 - Engineering System Design to Support Behavior Choices Slide 11. … Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices. … Behavioral choices.
Learning systems.
Accountability and justice. … Behavioral choices
Managing human behavior is essential to refining outcomes. … of the choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm
December 01, 2012 - Engineering System Design to Support Behavior Choices Slide 11. … Human error is a product of both system design and behavioral choices. … Behavioral choices.
Learning systems.
Accountability and justice. … Behavioral choices
Managing human behavior is essential to refining outcomes. … of the choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm
October 01, 2015 - equivalent of one computer screen so that people don’t have to “scroll down” to see the complete list of choices … In some cases, you may want to limit the number of choices people can make, either because of your own … You may have to try another tactic if selecting one option (e.g., a ZIP code) gives users fewer choices … than they want and another option (e.g., selecting a county) gives them many more choices than they
October 01, 2015 - equivalent of one computer screen so that people don’t have to “scroll down” to see the complete list of choices … In some cases, you may want to limit the number of choices people can make, either because of your own … You may have to try another tactic if selecting one option (e.g., a ZIP code) gives users fewer choices … than they want and another option (e.g., selecting a county) gives them many more choices than they
October 01, 2007 - There's a lot of system contribution, but there's also the issue of the individual's choices. … In this complexity, there are overlapping demands and choices that have to be made. … Some of those choices are going to be knowing violations of policy. … But a person's choices dictate the likelihood of the future event. … And it's these choices that we're going to hold people accountable for.
May 18, 2012 - negotiate differences, identify common
ground and establish priorities for action
Six Facilitator Choices … Engagement Associate �Public Agenda �
Promising Practices for Effective Facilitation
Six Facilitator Choices
May 18, 2012 - negotiate differences, identify common
ground and establish priorities for action
Six Facilitator Choices … Engagement Associate �Public Agenda �
Promising Practices for Effective Facilitation
Six Facilitator Choices
September 01, 2020 - Strategies for Presenting Choices Slide 29/Strategy 5: Offer Choices Slide 30/Strategy 6: Engage Patients … Strategies for presenting choices include offering choices; engaging patients, families, and friends; … Strategies for Presenting Choices
Section 3: Strategies for Presenting Choices
In this third section … Strategy 5 is to offer choices. … and offer choices.
September 01, 2020 - Strategies for Presenting Choices Slide 29/Strategy 5: Offer Choices Slide 30/Strategy 6: Engage Patients … Strategies for presenting choices include offering choices; engaging patients, families, and friends; … Strategies for Presenting Choices
Section 3: Strategies for Presenting Choices
In this third section … Strategy 5 is to offer choices. … and offer choices.