March 01, 2017 - health care organizations are accountable for the practices they've designed and for sustaining the safe choices … Staff, in turn, are accountable for the choices they make to ensure their residents receive the highest … Behavioral choices
Managing human behavior is essential to achieving outcomes. … In a Just Culture, the quality of behavioral choices should be emphasized more than the outcome of the … choices, which may or may not have resulted in harm.
March 01, 2017 - impact on HIT safety:
Improved safety through error prevention, reduction, mitigation: Medication choices … supports busy clinicians’ need for efficient support to inform increasingly complex pharmacotherapy choices
March 01, 2017 - Human Error At-Risk Behavior Reckless Behavior
Product of our current system design and behavioral choices … Manage through changes in:
A choice: risk
March 01, 2017 - it starts by helping create healthier communities that support individuals seeking to make healthy choices
January 01, 2017 - For each question select one of the three answer choices found in the colored columns.
February 01, 2016 - In AT9, pharmacologic prophylaxis with UFH or LMWH or mechanical prophylaxis are deemed acceptable choices … and total knee arthroplasty, LMWH is favored by AT9. 4 For hip fracture surgery, the anticoagulant choices … Implementation Challenges
The multitude of "acceptable" choices for major orthopedic surgery and the … By the same token, pharmacists could take ownership of helping to narrow down pharmacologic choices,
February 01, 2016 - In AT9, pharmacologic prophylaxis with UFH or LMWH or mechanical prophylaxis are deemed acceptable choices … and total knee arthroplasty, LMWH is favored by AT9. 4 For hip fracture surgery, the anticoagulant choices … Implementation Challenges
The multitude of "acceptable" choices for major orthopedic surgery and the … By the same token, pharmacists could take ownership of helping to narrow down pharmacologic choices,
February 01, 2016 - In AT9, pharmacologic prophylaxis with UFH or LMWH or mechanical prophylaxis are deemed acceptable choices … and total knee arthroplasty, LMWH is favored by AT9. 4 For hip fracture surgery, the anticoagulant choices … Implementation Challenges
The multitude of "acceptable" choices for major orthopedic surgery and the … By the same token, pharmacists could take ownership of helping to narrow down pharmacologic choices,
November 01, 2018 - Deductibles and Plan Choices
A notable trend over the past decade or so has been the growth in the
July 01, 2012 - by giving consumers and patients access to unbiased, plain-language information about the different choices
October 01, 2014 - The decision aid was used in a study of diabetes medication choices to determine whether increased patient
May 01, 2017 - you can understand
· Encourage your involvement in making decisions about your care and support your choices
May 24, 2013 - can understand
• Encourage your involvement in making
decisions about your care and support your
December 09, 2015 - Situation (e.g., questions about diagnosis, test reports)
Choices available (treatment options)
Objectives … determination
• National study of almost 3,000 participants
Preferred to
be offered choices
June 01, 2021 - culture should be obtained
UTI Management
Case 1: Allergy Assessment
Before making antibiotic choices
December 01, 2013 - Care Setting—other—please specify [Add the following choices: home, school, other community and public
March 01, 2017 - Dignity and respect
Health care providers listen to and honor resident perspectives and choices, resident … Facilities should strive to accommodate resident choices and preferences as one way to support the resident … Examples of resident choices that help demonstrate person-centered care include:
• Choosing mealtimes … ;
• Expanding activity choices;
• Choosing bathing preferences;
• Supporting residents occasionally … residents and families include—
· Having personal autonomy and the ability to direct care
· Being offered choices
October 01, 2014 - Assisting patients and physicians in making informed decisions regarding prescription drug choices not
February 10, 2011 - you can understand
Encourage your involvement in making decisions about your care and support your choices
March 01, 2018 - of blood quantum level
Shared Decisionmaking *
Q49 Provider talked about pros and cons of choices