November 01, 2020 - the 2010 Census regarding race had 15 different choices and respondents could identify one or more choice … a usual source of care who sometimes or never asked person to help make decisions when there was a choice
February 09, 2016 - the 2010 Census regarding race had 15 different choices and respondents could identify one or more choice … a usual source of care who sometimes or never asked person to help make decisions when there was a choice
September 01, 2005 - The value of
this step cannot be underestimated both in the planning and subsequent choice of tools … Which tool is chosen may not be
as important as the mere choice of a tool and the subsequent training
August 01, 2009 - smoking
Clinical practice Rationale
Assess pregnant woman’s tobacco use status using a multiple-choice … question to improve disclosure Many pregnant women deny smoking, and the multiple-choice question format
February 01, 2014 - Compare the effectiveness of shared decision making and usual care on decision outcomes
(treatment choice … of patient decision support tools on informing diagnostic and
treatment decisions (e.g., treatment choice
February 01, 2014 - Compare the effectiveness of shared decision making and usual care on decision outcomes
(treatment choice … of patient decision support tools on informing diagnostic and
treatment decisions (e.g., treatment choice
February 23, 2012 - Anatomic assessment at 20 to
22 weeks may be a better choice for the obese pregnant patient.
February 23, 2012 - Anatomic assessment at 20 to
22 weeks may be a better choice for the obese pregnant patient.
February 23, 2012 - Anatomic assessment at 20 to
22 weeks may be a better choice for the obese pregnant patient.
February 23, 2012 - Anatomic assessment at 20 to
22 weeks may be a better choice for the obese pregnant patient.
February 23, 2012 - Anatomic assessment at 20 to
22 weeks may be a better choice for the obese pregnant patient.
May 01, 2019 - For
patients with severe pain, intravenous administration is the route of choice (NHLBI, 2002).
September 08, 2008 - Specifically, almost all respondents felt that the emergency pharmacist was helpful in choice of
January 01, 2013 - Although the choice of which precautions to emphasize may vary by hospital, a good starting list adapted
June 24, 2022 - Pearson Context Frame the question, which may involve use of a PICOTS framework( or a statement about the choice
March 01, 2020 - Aggressive glycemic control might not be best choice for all diabetic patients.
January 01, 2024 - Specifically, almost all respondents felt that the emergency pharmacist was helpful in choice of
April 01, 2013 - had the most experience, but I worked less frequently than anybody else so was I probably the best choice
May 01, 2004 - Similarly, the choice of algorithm
to designate elective admissions substantially affected both the
September 01, 2011 - falls between two response options but is obviously closer to one than the
other, then select the choice