September 26, 2017 - Commentary
ISMP medication error report analysis.
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Cohen MR, Smetzer JL. Safer Connectors in the United Kingdom; Value of the Independent Double-Check; Medication Errors Column in 35th Year. Hosp Pharm. 2010;45(3). doi:10.1310/hpj4503-191.
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September 26, 2017 - Commentary
ISMP medication error report analysis.
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Cohen MR, Smetzer JL. Oral Syringes: A Crucial and Economical Risk-Reduction Strategy that has Not Been Fully Utilized; Caution regarding Once-Weekly Levothyroxine; When Drug Strengths Differ by 10-Fold; Lower Colchicine Do…
September 26, 2017 - Commentary
ISMP medication error report analysis.
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Cohen MR, Smetzer JL. Neuromuscular Blocker Mix-up in the Pharmacy; ISMP and Doctor's Digest Launch New iPhone Application; “UD” for “Ut Dictum”—an Ambiguous and Dangerous Abbreviation; Order by Metric Weight, Not Volume.…
September 26, 2017 - Commentary
Don't abandon the "second victims" of medical errors.
Citation Text:
Smetzer JL. Don't abandon the "second victims" of medical errors. Nursing (Brux). 2012;42(2):54-8. doi:10.1097/01.NURSE.0000410310.38734.e0.
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September 26, 2017 - Commentary
Unlabeled containers lead to patient's death.
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Cohen MR, Smetzer JL. Unlabeled containers lead to patient's death. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2005;31(7):414-7.
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March 28, 2018 - Award Recipient
American Hospital Association-McKesson Quest for Quality Prize.
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September 01, 2004 - SPOTLIGHT CASE
Unintended Consequences of CPOE
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Risk mitigation in large scale systems: lessons from high reliability organizations.
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September 02, 2020 - Commentary
Oversedation of a patient with obstructive sleep apnea prior to imaging.
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Blay E, Barnard C, Bilimoria KY. Oversedation of a Patient With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Prior to Imaging. JAMA. 2018;319(5):495-496. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.22004.
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January 08, 2020 - Commentary
View from the cockpit: what the airline industry can teach us about patient safety.
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Doucette JN. View from the cockpit: what the airline industry can teach us about patient safety. Nursing (Brux). 2006;36(11):50-53.
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May 18, 2022 - Commentary
Systematic approaches to adverse events in obstetrics, Part 1 & Part 2.
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December 01, 2021 - Commentary
Delivering the truth: challenges and opportunities for error disclosure in obstetrics.
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January 01, 2006 - Decision-making capacity is defined by four criteria: (i) ability to communicate a choice, (ii) ability … of care requires that a competent patient's informed refusal should be honored even if the patient's choice
May 02, 2018 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
With Covid-19 delaying routine care, chronic disease startups brace for a slew of complications.
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February 04, 2016 - Review
The medicolegal aspect of error in pathology: a search of jury verdicts and settlements.
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January 14, 2011 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Do some surgical implants do more harm than good?
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