November 03, 2015 - Although the decision to come to work while ill appears at first glance to be an individual choice, it … Both logistic resources and social supports are required to make the choice to prioritize patient safety
September 01, 2011 - involved incorrect dosing in 34% of these cases.( 5 )
Errors in drug ordering include errors in drug choice … Related to drug ordering is prescription transcription, as accurately conveying the drug choice or dose
September 01, 2006 - lateral position required for the procedure, a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) may have been a suboptimal choice … An LMA turns out to be a poor choice for a recruitment maneuver.
November 01, 2011 - have been reported in HBsAg-positive patients treated with
chemotherapy for lymphoma.(15)
Timing and choice … An opinion should be sought from a
specialist with regard to choice of antiviral therapy and duration
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Maternity care is a high-risk environment. This review discusses second vic…
January 01, 2025 - Whether to obtain imaging, and the choice of imaging procedures, to investigate acute abdominal pain … imaging modality to pursue.3
Background – Imaging (2)
Ultrasonography is the initial imaging test of choice … ACR guidelines are available to guide physician choice of appropriate imaging.
March 01, 2004 - However, as long as this choice was the product of thoughtful deliberation that considered the risk of … carries a higher risk of pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement (~7%).( 14 ) At this point, the choice … Help the patient make the best choice between CT surveillance, non-surgical biopsy, and surgical diagnosis
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October 17, 2018 - Mix-ups between epidural analgesia and IV antibiotics in
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May 26, 2021 - Safety Culture in EMS
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Defining a Just Culture
A Just Culture is one that supports transparent and honest error reporting with the goal of fostering an
February 01, 2007 - On making the right choice: the deliberation-
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May 06, 2020 - Medically-necessary, time-sensitive procedures: a
scoring system to ethically and efficiently manage
resource scarcity and provider risk during the COVID-19
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to ethically and efficiently …
October 30, 2019 - well-being of
the mom and the infant as being an either/or proposition, when it's actually a false choice … That means we often arrive in these fork-in-the-road moments, where there's a dichotomous choice that … The fork-in-the-road choice is
between the right thing to do and the easy thing to do.
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July 08, 2022 - capacity: 2
Understanding: The ability to state the meaning of the relevant information
Expressing a choice … to define the decision that the patient has to make and identify the consequences for each possible choice … It is important to remember that patients do not need to make the “correct choice”; however, they do
December 01, 2011 - Studies show that when informed patients are given the choice
between more aggressive care and a less … Decision aids and breast cancer: do they influence choice for
surgery and knowledge of treatment options
March 24, 2021 - The perception of patient safety in an alternate site of
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coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom: a survey of
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