March 29, 2011 - The comments generally supported our choice of key questions and indicated that the
literature is sparse … The comments generally supported our choice of key questions and indicated that the literature is sparse
October 01, 2007 - Consider, as an example, the choice of unit of random-
ization in a trial that evaluated a strategy to … A first decision in study design is the choice of the
unit of randomization, and data on sharing of patients
October 01, 2007 - the system and highlight opera-
tional decisions for users of these types of systems, including
the choice … A poor choice of RR may result in failure to
support the alternative hypothesis, or a delay in signaling
July 01, 2019 - Quantitative Synthesis: Chapter 1. Decision To Combine Trials
Quantitative Synthesis
Chapter 1. Decision to combine trials
Prepared for:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Training Modules for Systematic Reviews Methods Guide
Presentation Notes
Prioritization and Selecti…
July 17, 2020 - Surveillance Report: Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in Community and Healthcare Settings
Surveillance Report: July 17, 2020
Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in
Community and Healthcare Settings:
Surveillance Report
This surveillance report summarizes the search and update for the rapid review and l…
December 01, 2011 - Randomized controlled studies (RCT’s) are
the method of choice to determine the
appropriate care for … these men are monitored closely
and treated with curative intent at signs of
progression or patient choice … across the
cohorts—but even still, if the values are all
either 1 or 2, a bar chart doesn’t the best
choice … The choice depends
upon the expectations for the natural history
(potential for cure, no potential … physicians, nurses, radiation
therapists, and other health professionals
promote improving patient choice
October 01, 2007 - 2007 Restriction in Pharmacoepidemiology
© 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S133
most obvious choice … 1-year mortality, we found that restricting the study popula-
tion to incident statin users and the choice … The choice of a compar-
ison medication (ie, initiation of glaucoma drug use) may
work better in our
July 01, 2023 - F2.1) Reassess the system design, including the choice of training data, features, objective function … F3.5} Reassess the system design. including the choice of training data, features, objective function
October 15, 2012 - Your statements about
individual measurement might be informed by recovery choice
pathways where people … Work on recovery choice pathways suggest
individual patients with disabilities (See Kurz et. … Kurichi JE, Maislin G: Disability meanings according to
patients andclinicians: Imagined recovery choice … The recovery choice
pathways appears to address disability
treatment, which is outside the scope of
April 19, 2012 - They are not generally a good choice, though, for issues or
organizations where a major decision is
February 01, 2013 - Knowledge Brief #2 Methods and Measures of Public Deliberation
AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program
and the Community Forum
The Effective Health Care Program was initiated
in 2005 to provide valid evidence about the
comparative effectiveness of different medical
interventions. The object is to help consumer…
February 01, 2013 - Knowledge Brief #2 Methods and Measures of Public Deliberation
AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program
and the Community Forum
The Effective Health Care Program was initiated
in 2005 to provide valid evidence about the
comparative effectiveness of different medical
interventions. The object is to help consumer…
January 01, 2013 - Community Forum: Introduction to Online Tools To Support Public Deliberation
This presentation introduces online tools that can be used to support public deliberation.
During this presentation, we discuss the types of online tools that can be used to support
public deliberation and what to consider when select…
November 01, 2009 - Layout 1
Radiotherapy with charged particles can
potentially deliver maximal doses while
minimizing irradiation of surrounding
tissues. It may be more effective or less
harmful than other forms of radiotherapy
for some cancers. Currently, seven centers
in the United States have facilities for
particle (pr…
December 04, 2014 - Purely cutaneous lesions do not require imaging, but opinions regarding the initial diagnostic test of choice … Administration (FDA) for use in IH in March 2014. 12-14 Prior to this, corticosteroids were the drug of choice … , and there is still disagreement about which medication represents the best choice for initial medical
February 01, 2013 - A systematic review starts with a
broad comprehensive search and the choice of which studies to include … Comparator Not defined
Reviewer makes choice among
other interventions include in review,
interventions … inclusion criteria are not adequately specific about the relative importance of different time
points, the choice
October 14, 2011 - Long-term health outcomes (clinical utility) from decisions regarding the choice of active
surveillance … Treatment
Adverse effects: incorrect
choice … OR aggressive OR biops*)) OR predict* OR
prognos* OR (select* OR decid* OR decision* OR choos* OR choice
January 22, 2022 - Table F-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table F-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…
November 04, 2021 - Table E-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table E-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…
February 16, 2022 - Table F-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table F-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, Years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, Other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…