June 01, 2010 - reporting can occur in a number of ways, including selective omission of
outcomes from reports, selective choice … The inception date allows investigators to measure characteristics that may have influenced the
choice … The registry data confirmed that the choice between the two
procedures in the community varied substantially
December 01, 2023 - Empowerment, voice, and choice
6. … Opportunities for choice, collaboration, and connection
4. Strengths-based and skills building
5. … Choice and empowerment
b. … Empowerment, voice, and choice
3. Trustworthiness and transparency
4. … Agency, autonomy, and choice
8. Healing relationships and community
Appendix Table D.2.
September 01, 2011 - Layout 1
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is
common and costly. Over the course of a
year, between 13.1 million and 14.2 million
people will experience MDD.
Approximately half of these people seek
help for this condition, and only 20 percent
of those receive adequate treatment. For
those who do initiate tr…
December 18, 2019 - The risks of CR may be mitigated through the choice of CR
method and clinical management. … 1a: How do effectiveness and harms vary by choice of prostaglandin? … 2a: How do effectiveness and harms vary by choice of mechanical method in the
inpatient versus the outpatient
February 01, 2013 - noted
concern because of the lack of evidence available for providers and patients on the important
choice … Consistency across studies is needed in choice of outcomes and measurement
tools. … stakeholders suggested that among patients with extreme or minor pathology, there is less
variability in the choice … That is, it must address the
overarching question of best treatment choice and timing for specific patients … both nonsurgical and surgical options are practical,
consumers want to know them so they can make a choice
December 01, 2020 - particularly
The findings of this systematic review can inform shared decision making and choice
March 01, 2012 - For instance, concerns about the choice of designs, hypotheses, and
outcomes relate as much or more … The choice of specific outcome
measures is a consideration when judging applicability and directness … included concepts
• Explain the inclusion of specific risk-of-bias criteria
• Select and justify choice … Subjectivity remains in
the choice of different rules, or rules that assigning items to domains, and … One checklist developed by the Cochrane Collaboration offers some guidance, and leaves the
final choice
September 01, 2019 - .
hInsufficient for depression (as a mental status change), dizziness.
Analgesia When Initial Choice … Prehospital
analgesic choice in injured patient does not impact on
rates of vomiting: experience from
September 01, 2019 - .
hInsufficient for depression (as a mental status change), dizziness.
Analgesia When Initial Choice … Prehospital
analgesic choice in injured patient does not impact on
rates of vomiting: experience from
August 01, 2012 - surgeries include
a constellation of benefits and risks, which presents some
clinical uncertainty in the choice … In the choice of
effect size metrics, for hernia recurrence we used the
relative risk (RR) because
June 15, 2021 - Table F-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table F-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…
October 01, 2018 - We chose to use this report as it was relatively
current, and the choice of contrast type is a specific
June 01, 2011 - Layout 1
Almost 75 million American adults—
approximately one-third—have
hypertension. The prevalence of
hypertension increases with advancing age
such that more than half of people 55 to 74
years old and approximately three-fourths
of those age 75 years and older are
affected. In addition to being the pr…
April 01, 2015 - • With training, patients can improve risk understanding
and sense of informed choice (1 study). … to discontinue (3 studies), while viewing their
neurologist as the driver for decisions regarding choice … Country, sex, EDSS
change and therapy choice independently predict treatment
discontinuation in multiple
April 30, 2014 - Peer Reviewer #1 Results Pg 16 Ln 54; ...although OMBP never appears to be the most likely
best choice … In my review, none of the approaches ever seem likely
to be the best choice. … Peer Reviewer #5 Methods The choice of odds-ratio as the unit of analysis is acceptable. … the general readers, I think
odds ratios are more consistent between studies, and also the unit of
choice … Peer Reviewer #5 Methods The methods, software, and choice of priors for this analysis all seem
to be
February 01, 2019 - months but improvements in loneliness at 6
months, and one (n=223)47 that randomized patients to the choice … & 6 mo)
Pynnonen, 201847
Mean age: 77
Fair quality
Choice … Effect of a social intervention of choice vs. control on
depressive symptoms, melancholy, feeling of … Effect of a social intervention of
choice vs. control on depressive symptoms,
melancholy, feeling of … Effect of a social intervention of
choice vs. control on depressive symptoms,
melancholy, feeling of
August 09, 2012 - each option, and the most effective way to present
information so that women can make an informed choice … each option, and
the most effective way to present information so that women can make an informed choice … findings of the 2010 evidence
review was that the best evidence suggests VBAC is a reasonable and safe choice … and nuanced understanding of how best to present information so that women
can make a truly informed choice … each option, and the most effective way to present information so that women can make an
informed choice
June 21, 2016 - Administration (FDA) in March 2014 as a treatment for IH and is typically the first-line treatment choice
November 12, 2015 - Going through the
physiotherapy, the only choice I made was to answer the question, “Where would you
January 01, 2013 - is consistent with the clinical/ conceptual basis for the research question
Provide a rationale for choice … exposure
Determine the most suitable scale for the measurement of exposure
Provide a rationale for choice