December 10, 2021 - What are patient preferences and patient choice in the context of telehealth
utilization?........... … b) What are patient preferences and patient choice in the context of telehealth utilization? … b) What are patient preferences and patient choice in the context of telehealth utilization? … What are patient preferences and patient choice in the
context of telehealth utilization? … What are patient preferences and patient choice in the
context of telehealth utilization?
February 13, 2012 - Therefore unless we decided to exclude this type of study (the
majority of the studies), we had no choice … Public
Reviewer #5
Methods It is unclear how the choice for which non-invasive tests to
evaluate … We have added additional text to the Methods section to further
explain the choice of technologies. … We have added text to clarify the choice of technologies for review. … There is text in the document explaining the choice of
studies and methods used; no additional text
November 11, 2015 - don’t really want to play an active role,” we want to be able to
know that that is their authentic choice
January 01, 2007 - Layout 1
More than 65 million American adults—
approximately one-third—have
hypertension. The prevalence of
hypertension increases with advancing age
such that more than half of people 60-69
years of age and approximately three-
fourths of those 70 years of age and older
are affected. In addition to being…
January 11, 2017 - concerns about the loss of patient and doctor authority, how people
balance the importance of personal choice … They might be talking
about it’s not about cost it’s about personal choice, it’s about freedom, they
October 01, 2012 - This report provides a conceptual framework that can guide the
choice of perspective, the target or … Other decisionmaking contexts start with a choice of a manufacturer
to develop a new device or the choice … In general, the preferred choice is to perform a new analysis (essentially redoing a state-of-
March 01, 2011 - .
• A variety of approaches have been used, and choice of approach will depend on the topic,
systematic … , and use methods which seek
to understand how the intervention causes its effects.35 Choice of study … Ultimately, the choice of scope
of study designs to be included largely depends on the topic and intent … Although we did not provide
guidance about how to choose an approach, we noted that the choice of approach … –
of main
effects into
a Assumptions specific to an analysis choice
December 01, 2017 - • Specify risk-of-bias categories and criteria and
explain their inclusion
• Select and justify choice … Select and justify choice of specific risk-of-bias rating tools, including validity of selected tools
August 01, 2007 - important confounding variables were
unmeasured.28,29,30 An IV is an observable factor related to treatment choice … Our instrument had a
strong correlation with the actual treatment choice (OR = 6.1; 5.8-6.4). … Plotted is the strength of the associations between an unmeasured confounder and treatment
choice (conventional
April 01, 2013 - Availability of data or
ability to recruit
Biopsy or treatment choice is commonly encountered in … Biopsy or treatment choice is commonly
encountered in urological practice; the area
is one of considerable … Availability of data or
ability to recruit
Biopsy or treatment choice is commonly
encountered in … Biopsy or treatment choice is commonly
encountered in urological practice; the area
is one of considerable
May 01, 2013 - We have reemphasized this in the revised
report—clinical considerations should drive the
choice of … The choice of any screening test, for any
condition, is ultimately based on considerations of
both … We agree with the reviewer that the choice of
threshold is important. … The key issue, which we believe is the reviewer’s
point, is that the choice of threshold for use in … These are direct
functions of the choice of screening instrument.
January 01, 2012 - Bar-Cohen II_ECCS2012
Slide 1: Addressing
When Popular Media and Evidence-‐Based Care
Annette Bar-‐Cohen, M.A., M.P.H., Discussant
Executive Director, Center for NBCC Advocacy Training
National Breast Cancer
August 01, 2013 - This characterization of study design features can be used
by systematic reviewers to guide the choice … Based on the revised item bank, members of the Working Group were asked to rank their
choice of specific … framework to include
potential sources of confounding in
the causal relationship between the
choice … On the other hand, a choice of control group that is intrinsically either
more or less exposed than … This may be particularly helpful in relation to a “cannot determine” response choice.
July 01, 2012 - A body of evidence evaluating diagnostic test outcomes such as diagnostic thinking,
therapeutic choice … Reviewer’s choice of various accuracy outcomes
to grade may affect how the various domains of directness … transparent system of grading using the domains described
above, and giving an explicit rationale for the choice
November 20, 2013 - The choice of these specific covariates identified as
confounders is based on consultation with the … The choice for undertaking a meta-analysis must consider
sources of heterogeneity. … The choice for undertaking a meta-analysis must consider
sources of heterogeneity. … relevant (misspelled on page E-2 as
“threshed”), because there are many factors involved with
the choice … would
improve from an explanation of how cut-off values are used
or selected in practice and make a choice
June 01, 2012 - This may be the only available option if none of the compared tests is an obvious choice for a reference … Systematic Review Example:
Choice of Reference Standard and Cutoff
Trikalinos TA, Balion TA. … Systematic Review Example: Choice of Reference Standard and Cutoff
As mentioned earlier in this Module … reference standard tests, or multiple cutoffs for the same reference test, are available:
Justify the choice … or there are multiple cutoffs for the same reference test.
- The reviewer can choose to justify the choice
June 01, 2012 - This may be the only available option if none of the compared tests is an obvious choice for a reference … Systematic Review Example:
Choice of Reference Standard and Cutoff
Trikalinos TA, Balion TA. … Systematic Review Example: Choice of Reference Standard and Cutoff
As mentioned earlier in this Module … reference standard tests, or multiple cutoffs for the same reference test, are available:
Justify the choice … or there are multiple cutoffs for the same reference test.
- The reviewer can choose to justify the choice
June 13, 2013 - learn:
Concerns about loss of patient/doctor authority
How people balance the tension between personal choice … e.g.:
Concerns about loss of patient/doctor authority
How people balance the importance of personal choice
January 29, 2014 - Not coagulation testing, for
example, would not be a choice for a patient with a bleeding
disorder … If another term is preferred, we would opt to return to single
group studies, which was the term of choice … For example, the
choice of publication year as a criteria to evaluate applicability
should be included … I understand that there are situations with quite a few studies
with zero events, which limits the choice
January 01, 2013 - Choice of outcomes will drive other important design considerations. … The choice of outcomes to include in a comparative effectiveness research study will, in turn, drive … The choice of outcome measure may follow directly from the expected biological mechanism of action of