December 01, 2019 - The comments generally supported our choice of KQs and indicated that the literature is sparse in this
December 01, 2019 - school-age children with ADHD, identifying psychostimulants as an effective and safe first line treatment choice
April 03, 2013 - were used
in studies of different
36 Peer
Reviewer #1
Methods A much better choice … The choice of threshold would be yours based on
your knowledge of the field.) … reviews do
not always consider or discuss other factors that may appropriately influence
medication choice … sorts of issues are not incorporated in the discussion but could
realistically influence medication choice … for an effect in the comorbid disorder alone, which could also influence
decisions about treatment choice
February 01, 2013 - patient preference or clinical specialty (primary care, cardiology, cardiothoracic
surgery) affect the choice … patient preference or clinician specialty (primary care, cardiology,
cardiothoracic surgery) affect the choice … patient preference or clinical specialty (primary care, cardiology,
cardiothoracic surgery) affect the choice … cardiothoracic[tiab] OR "Decision Making"[Mesh] OR decision[tiab] OR decide[tiab] OR decided[tiab]
OR choice … patient preference or clinician specialty (primary care, cardiology, cardiothoracic
surgery) affect the choice
March 13, 2012 - The final choice of which outcomes to grade will be based on rankings of the
potential impact of OC … The
final choice of specific outcomes included in the model will be determined by the
initial estimate
July 01, 2012 - costs, availability of qualified pathologist interpretations, and other factors that may influence choice … costs,
availability of qualified pathologist interpretations, and other factors that may influence choice
August 13, 2018 - versus open colonic resection for
complicated diverticular disease in the emergency setting: a safe choice … population
Yes, this topic affects heath care decisions with
significant cost differences based on choice
November 20, 2014 - What are the criteria for the choice of relative risks
vs. odds ratios? … So the test of choice is heavily dependent on the clinical
July 01, 2012 - New prescriptions or changes to medications were forwarded to the
pharmacy of the patient’s choice and … • ADE-allergy
• ADE-non-allergic reaction
• ADE-toxic reaction to the drug
• A problem with the choice … medications were dispensed by the community pharmacy or
forwarded to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice … There is a problem with the choice
of the drug for the indication in this
July 01, 2012 - Methods Guide for Medical Test Reviews Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Deciding Whether To Complement a Systematic
Review of Medical Tests With Decision Modeling
Thomas A. Trikalinos, M.D., Tufts Evidence-based Practice Center, Boston, MA
Shalini Kulasingam, Ph.D., University of Minnesota School of Public He…
November 01, 2008 - The choice of study designs also depends on
whether investigators are seeking to determine what harms … different outcome.
This risk could be confirmed
in observational studies, in part because the choice
November 01, 2008 - The choice of study designs also depends on
whether investigators are seeking to determine what harms … different outcome.
This risk could be confirmed
in observational studies, in part because the choice
August 01, 2024 - One key issue at the nexus of these concerns is the choice hospitals routinely face between medical devices
March 31, 2010 - qualitative component gave insight
on thought process behind many of the individual stakeholders’ choice … The assessments included multiple choice and
dropdown menus. … This qualitative component gave important insight
on thought process behind many of the stakeholders’ choice
February 01, 2018 - Extension Items (ALSFRS-EX), which have been translated into other
languages and form the measure of choice … development of PGRs that has arisen in large part out of concerns for ensuring
participants’ free choice … Participants are
given the choice of whether to give disease advocacy and support groups, researchers
May 01, 2020 - of strategies that may either
facilitate earlier diagnosis of labor, directly or
indirectly (e.g., choice … • Use of epidural analgesia, or, alternatively,
variations in technique (timing, choice of
analgesic … The sensitivity and specificity of the test
will vary depending on the choice of threshold,
but so … Discrete choice experiments would
be one method appropriate for estimating
preferences for these complex … Support to woman by a companion of her choice during
childbirth: A randomized controlled trial.
March 01, 2022 - Furthermore, stakeholders interested in patient registries see AHRQ as a logical choice for advancing … One option would be to offer members the choice at enrollment to disclose their information. … The choice of sponsor, particularly whether or not the sponsor is an agency of the Federal government … Two decisions will most affect the creation, operation, and feasibility of a Web-based CoP: the choice … Furthermore, stakeholders interested in patient registries see AHRQ as a logical choice for advancing
May 01, 2020 - The choice of study designs also depends on whether investigators are seeking to determine what harms … a different outcome. 24 This risk could be confirmed in observational studies, in part because the choice
April 01, 2011 - Patients
<2 yrs. at risk
for diagnosis
of ASD
Choice of
Targeted outcomes
January 01, 2015 - effects in a recent systematic review.30 Drug effects on
weight, therefore, have a strong impact on the choice … Physicians
and American Diabetes Association, which recommend
metformin as a firstline treatment choice … Therefore, the “best” alternative to
metformin initial therapy or the “best” second-line therapy