
Total Results: 1,132 records

Showing results for "choice".

    May 01, 2020 - pre-COVID-19 telehealth studies, benefits were seen in situations where patients and clinicians had a choice
    August 01, 2013 - The choice of effect-size metric depended on whether reported outcomes were continuous or dichotomous
    April 01, 2013 - 1 Epoetin and Darbepoetin for Managing Anemia in Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment: Comparative Effectiveness Update Executive Summary Background Anemia, a deficiency in the concentration of hemoglobin-containing red blood cells, is prevalent among cancer patients, depending on the type of malignancy and t…
  4. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2005 - Layout 1 Background Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), defined as weekly heartburn and/or acid regurgitation, is one of the most common health conditions affecting older Americans. Direct costs attributable to GERD were estimated to be $10 billion in the United States in 2000. Some patients have frequent, sever…
    August 19, 2011 - In response to a request to clarify the role of IVDx techniques in the choice of a specific PCI technique
    February 07, 2018 - reported; thus, we will consider use of methods such as the Peto or Mantel-Haenzel odds ratios.14 The choice
    January 01, 2012 - Joint National Committee do not specifically address many of the important questions involved in the choice … The choice of grouping of studies by additional interventions (counseling etc) was reasonable.
    February 01, 2012 - Because patients’ (and clinicians’) preference of test choice is influenced by test performance, acceptability … Measuring patient preferences for colorectal cancer screening using a choice-format survey. … A comparison in Canada and the United States using a stated-choice survey.
    December 23, 2014 - Purely cutaneous lesions do not require imaging, but opinions regarding the initial diagnostic test of choice … Administration (FDA) for use in IH in March 2014.12-14 Prior to this, corticosteroids were the drug of choice … , and there is still disagreement about which medication represents the best choice for initial medical
    February 01, 2014 - ....20 Discussion of Principles for Quantitative Approaches for Benefit and Harm Assessment .. 20 Choice … We also considered it a pragmatic choice because data were available for both benefit and harm outcomes … National Cancer Institute; NNH = number needed to harm; NNT = number needed to treat 21 Choice … Deciding whether a choice of an approach for a specific decisionmaking context was the right one will
    May 01, 2012 - population and careful informed consent will need to occur, but given the uncertainty regarding treatment choice … was the desire for a better understanding of how patient-level predictors might influence treatment choice … presence of comorbidities such as learning disorders or anxiety disorders affect the effectiveness and choice … heterogeneity of those affected by ADHD may well demand a more personalized approach to intervention choice … 6 years of age with disruptive behavior disorder or ADHD, how does parental preference affect the choice
    January 01, 2020 - The surveys included both multiple-choice and drop-down menus, as well as comment boxes where stakeholders … With respect to outcomes, we identified weight or body mass index as the prevailing measures of choice
    November 24, 2014 - As an initial treatment choice, how effective are SGAs compared with nonpharmacologic interventions? … These options include adding a pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic treatment to the initial medication choice
    June 12, 2013 - In the Background, we mention the dire status of the patients covered in KQ3 and that the choice of … The choice of key questions, the interventions, and clinical outcomes to be analyzed, were presented
    March 01, 2023 - In patients undergoing anterior cervical discectomy, how do outcomes vary with choice of interbody graft … Is laminectomy and fusion the better choice than laminoplasty for multilevel cervical myelopathy with … Does the choice of interbody graft or device type effect radiologic fusion rates in patients undergoing
    April 16, 2024 - One key issue at the nexus of these concerns is the choice hospitals routinely face between medical
    December 01, 2019 - Some studies 55 suggest the choice of the best treatment for a particular patient may be related to … These factors have a strong influence on choice of first-line treatment, the formulation of the comprehensive
    May 01, 2023 - for the numerous antihypertensive drugs commonly used in practice to allow better decision making in choice
    June 02, 2023 - compared to low SES folks and worse outcomes for people of color if a strong mandate for continuity, and choice
    December 08, 2015 - in the review may also have influenced conclusions about the impact of depression severity on the choice … Suggested edits: Given no clear differences in beneficial treatment effect among treatment options, the choice … We removed “does not support the superiority”, and changed to “Given comparable benefits the choice … non-psychotic patients I would think it is not so much a matter of allowing patients to choose (since the choice … like to point out that there are also other factors relevant in making a decision about treatment choice

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