July 01, 2023 - F2.1) Reassess the system design, including the choice of training data, features, objective function … F3.5} Reassess the system design. including the choice of training data, features, objective function
May 01, 2019 - New prescriptions or changes to medications were forwarded to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice and … :
ADE-non-allergic reaction
ADE-toxic reaction to the drug
A problem with the choice … medications were dispensed by the community pharmacy or forwarded to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice
October 15, 2012 - Your statements about
individual measurement might be informed by recovery choice
pathways where people … Work on recovery choice pathways suggest
individual patients with disabilities (See Kurz et. … Kurichi JE, Maislin G: Disability meanings according to
patients andclinicians: Imagined recovery choice … The recovery choice
pathways appears to address disability
treatment, which is outside the scope of
April 19, 2012 - They are not generally a good choice, though, for issues or
organizations where a major decision is
February 01, 2013 - Knowledge Brief #2 Methods and Measures of Public Deliberation
AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program
and the Community Forum
The Effective Health Care Program was initiated
in 2005 to provide valid evidence about the
comparative effectiveness of different medical
interventions. The object is to help consumer…
February 01, 2013 - Knowledge Brief #2 Methods and Measures of Public Deliberation
AHRQ’s Effective Health Care Program
and the Community Forum
The Effective Health Care Program was initiated
in 2005 to provide valid evidence about the
comparative effectiveness of different medical
interventions. The object is to help consumer…
January 01, 2013 - Community Forum: Introduction to Online Tools To Support Public Deliberation
This presentation introduces online tools that can be used to support public deliberation.
During this presentation, we discuss the types of online tools that can be used to support
public deliberation and what to consider when select…
November 01, 2009 - Layout 1
Radiotherapy with charged particles can
potentially deliver maximal doses while
minimizing irradiation of surrounding
tissues. It may be more effective or less
harmful than other forms of radiotherapy
for some cancers. Currently, seven centers
in the United States have facilities for
particle (pr…
February 01, 2013 - A systematic review starts with a
broad comprehensive search and the choice of which studies to include … Comparator Not defined
Reviewer makes choice among
other interventions include in review,
interventions … inclusion criteria are not adequately specific about the relative importance of different time
points, the choice
October 14, 2011 - Long-term health outcomes (clinical utility) from decisions regarding the choice of active
surveillance … Treatment
Adverse effects: incorrect
choice … OR aggressive OR biops*)) OR predict* OR
prognos* OR (select* OR decid* OR decision* OR choos* OR choice
October 01, 2020 - Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in Community and Healthcare Settings: Surveillance Report
Surveillance Report: October 2020
Masks for Prevention of COVID-19 in
Community and Healthcare Settings:
Surveillance Report
This surveillance report summarizes the search and update for the rapid review and li…
November 04, 2021 - Table E-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table E-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…
February 16, 2022 - Table F-5. Can. Cohort Studies
Table F-5. Cannabis cohort studies
PMID Author, Year Study Design Setting Pain Population Pain Condition Age Measure (Mean, Median) Age, Years Female % Race, White % Race, Black % Race, Hispanic/Latino % Race, Asian % Race, Other % Pain Duration Measure
(Mean, Median) Pain Duration, Mon…
April 01, 2024 - Clinical evidence
was limited to guide choice of specific environmental cleaning agents for reducing … all 123 Veterans Affairs acute-
care hospitals nationally, after each facility was given the policy choice … MRSA nares cultures obtained at
outpatient preoperative visits were also used to determine choice of … prior to
admission) plus
screening MRSA
nares cultures to
antibiotic choice … Our review did not identify new literature to address the choice of
manual cleaning agent, which MHS
December 01, 2020 - Adverse effects, such as sedation, are therefore reduced. 27 The choice of which antihistamine to use … For children who are able and willing to use intranasal medication, nasal saline presents a treatment choice
January 31, 2013 - The initial test of choice includes the simple
ABI measurement. … A number of trials have addressed the questions of aspirin dose and choice of antiplatelet
strategy, … trials, as well as other published literature, is needed to determine the aspirin dose
and optimal choice … Given these issues, the choice of revascularization strategy (endovascular versus surgical) is
December 01, 2019 - , accounting for almost 60% of all organ transplants. 1 Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice
December 01, 2012 - 1
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 88
Evaluation and Treatment of Cryptorchidism
Executive Summary
Cryptorchidism is a congenital condition
in which one or both testicles are not
appropriately positioned in the scrotum
at birth and cannot be moved into the
proper position manually. The term …
January 01, 2010 - attributable to chance
Inferential Errors:
Result from problems in data analysis and interpretation, such as choice
November 11, 2015 - approach.
What arethe implications for all of this for supporting theuseof information