September 01, 2013 - R3 advises on the choice between random effects
and equal (“fixed”) effects modeling for studies of … Consequently, if the optimal choice is not among them,
it will not be selected. … These two examples provide the full choice sets
considered by those making the recommendations. … The
choice of the metric is arbitrary but motivated. … Funnel plots for
detecting bias in meta-analysis: guidelines
on choice of axis.
December 23, 2014 - The review
is somewhat inconsistent about considering the impact of aids on
behaviors/choice. … They indicate choice should not be a primary
outcome, yet included actual or intended choices in the … Reworking the results to look
at how the aids impacted choice for the 3 main cancers should at
least … Nevertheless,
any outcomes related to actual choice were
captured. … Of these data, relatively few
referred to how often the choice was changed
before and after the DA
December 01, 2019 - There is also considerable practice variation and clinical uncertainty about the choice of a prophylaxis … There is clinical uncertainty about the optimal choice of VTE prophylaxis in this patient population … Similarly, the optimal choice and dosing regimens for patients who are underweight (body mass index < … The optimal treatment choice and dosing strategy for thromboprophylaxis for patients with CKD remains … There was uncertainty around the optimal choice of agent for pharmacologic therapy, the timing of its
February 01, 2018 - Choice of NMA method
• There has been no systematic evaluation of the comparative
performance of NMA … • Network geometry also affects model choice:
Simple indirect
comparison Star
Network w/
close loop … Network geometry and model choice
Methods Simple indirect
Star network Network with … of priors for Bayesian analysis
► Model choice (random vs. fixed effects; consistency vs. inconsistency … of NMA method
Network geometry and model choice
Rating strength of evidence
Ranking probabilities
January 01, 2012 - Is it the right
choice for
me?” … should learn
prostate cancer and testing,
decide if testing
the right
June 01, 2016 - Lum-
bar epidural injections were performed
under fluoroscopic guidance; the choice
of an interlaminar … the trial cannot be
used to directly compare interlaminar and transforaminal injec-
tions, as the choice … specific glucocorticoids (triamcinolone, dexamethasone, beta-
methasone, or methylprednisolone), as the choice
December 01, 2019 - Conclusions
Our findings indicate that the existing evidence does not warrant the choice of one second-generation … Differences with respect to onset of action and adverse events may be taken into consideration for the choice
January 01, 2019 - The public’s core values of individual freedom and personal choice were tempered in varying degrees by … and negative reactions to any boundaries on decisionmaking that restrict rather than support choice. … Also, participants often explicitly stated that individual freedom of choice was a core value. … Although many participants focused on how to preserve choice and enhance the doctor- patient relationship … Evidence of economic harm was also a persuasive factor in restricting choice.
June 01, 2022 - must help patients make several decisions about post-mastectomy reconstruction, including the initial choice
January 01, 2009 - variations
August 27, 2012 - Here is a choice experiment. This approach
was originally developed for market research. … It’s based on the idea that we can desegregate objects of
choice into compounded parts. … The total
value of the choice alternative depends on the values of
these component features. … We derived these numbers from a series of choice
questions. … You have to value
different options and in conjoint analysis you use choice
November 01, 2017 - other criteria were included in seven to nine of the checklists: description of the target population, choice … The choice of an appropriate checklist should be made with the understanding that quality assessment
November 01, 2017 - The bias, mean square error and coverage of these approximate methods are very sensitive to the choice … We discourage the use of approximate methods that require continuity corrections, as the arbitrary choice
March 01, 2011 - VTE prophylaxis is
uncertain or patients in whom there is decisional uncertainty about the optimal choice … There is clinical uncertainty about the
optimal choice of VTE prophylaxis in this patient population … Similarly, the
optimal choice and dosing regimens for patients who are underweight (body mass index … The optimal treatment choice and dosing strategy for thromboprophylaxis for patients with CKD remains … There was uncertainty
around the optimal choice of agent for pharmacologic therapy, the timing of its
November 01, 2017 - The choice of a particular approach depends on the decisionmaking context, the quality and quantity of
July 01, 2019 - skill; and 3) evaluation of the effectiveness of interventions designed to support informed patient choice … Decision Making at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and as Co-Director of the Center for Informed Choice … , she served as the Director of the inaugural annual Dartmouth Summer Institute on Informed Patient Choice
November 01, 2013 - The public’s core values of individual freedom and personal choice were tempered in
varying degrees … and negative reactions to any boundaries on decisionmaking
that restrict rather than support choice … Also, participants often explicitly stated that
individual freedom of choice was a core value. … • Evidence of economic harm was also a persuasive factor in restricting choice. … • Even though participants generally perceived government interventions that would
restrict choice
July 01, 2019 - articles and coedits the book Shared Decision-Making in Health Care: Achieving Evidence-Based Patient Choice … also has previously been a member of the lead faculty at the Summer Institutes for Informed Patient Choice
January 01, 2012 - The choice of a particular approach depends on the decisionmaking
context, the quality and quantity … For example, when trial investigators select outcomes, they implicitly make
a choice that reflects … The choice of a particular approach has implications for: (1) the type of evidence
(e.g., randomized … The choice of a particular approach depends on the decision to be informed, the
available data, and … Vignette studies of medical choice and judgment
to study caregivers' medical decision behaviour:
November 12, 2020 - You and your health care provider should make this choice together.