January 01, 2011 - Patient-Centered Online Disease Management Using a Personal Health Record System - 2011
Project Name
Patient-Centered Online Disease Management Using a Personal Health Record System
Principal Investigator
Tang, Paul
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Funding Me…
January 01, 2012 - Choice of the Comparison Intervention: Evaluating Internet Health Information A
Tutorial from the National … Each
response choice is linked to an explanation of whether it is correct or not.
January 01, 2022 - Malone, PharmD, PhD, Professor5
1The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy, and Economics (CHOICE … University of Washington
4Harvard TH Chan, School of Public Health, Harvard University (formerly The CHOICE … financial considerations are of importance to health
January 01, 2009 - The data analysis from the MEPS indicated that many factors seem to influence an individual’s choice
January 01, 2011 - while simultaneously
accepting an option on behalf of the patient (still respecting the patient’s choice … Discussion
The ACCORD model has the following characteristics:
• Choice: Providers and patients … The ACCORD Model: An Information Architecture for
Choice-based, Reliable Care Planning.
January 01, 2011 - Patient-Centered Online Disease Management Using a Personal Health Record System
1 | Patient-Centered Online disease ManageMent Using a PersOnal HealtH
reCOrd systeM
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity: enAbling PAtient-Centered CAre through
heAlth it (r18)
Patient-Centered Online Disease Management Using a Personal
November 01, 2004 - Patient Safety in 2005:Patient Safety in 2005:
The End of the BeginningThe End of the Beginning
Robert M. Wachter, MD
Professor and Associate Chairman, Department of Medicine
University of California, San Francisco
Chief of the Medical Service, UCSF Medical Center
Editor, AHRQ WebM&M and PSNet
January 01, 2015 - Informing Consumer Health Information Technology Design: How Patients Use Social Networking Sites - Final Report
Title: Informing Consumer Health IT Design: How Patients Use Social Networking
Principle Investigator: Rupa Valdez,
Team Members: Yuliya
PhD; Kara
MA; T…
January 01, 2022 - 3.3 (1.2) 3.5 (1.4) 0.83
Unsure what to do in this decision 3.7 (1.0) 3. 7 (0.8) 1.00
Clear what choice … important to me
than the risks, or opposite
3 (1.3) 3 (1.1) 1.00
I feel I have made an informed
May 15, 2008 - tthheeiirr rroollee
• of selected portions of the record
– store their record in a location of their choice
June 16, 2005 - The Decade of Health Information Technology Begins:
The United States
Health Information Technology Strategy
Lammot du Pont
Office of the National Coordinator for HIT
Funding Health IT, Government Perspectives
June 9, 2005
The Vision: Transform US Health Care
Empower Patients
Improve Quality
Increase Sa…
January 01, 2023 - Surveys included eleven multiple-choice questions,
comprised of the System Usability Scale and Net Promoter … It gives you a choice. … patients with pneumonia, their caregivers, and providers who are considering Hospital
at Home as a choice
October 01, 2007 - applications are most effective when they use a “teach back”
technique, which provides a multiple choice
October 01, 2007 - applications are most effective when they use a
“teach back” technique, which provides a multiple choice
January 01, 2020 - Listen, Learn, Informed Choice., to discuss the
importance of patient-centered CDS design and implementation … Listen, Learn, Informed Choice. as part of a
CDS podcast series focused on patient-centered CDS design … cdsconnect/faq
https://www.health-hats.com/listen-learn-informed-choice-cds … 21st-century-cures-act-interoperability-information-blocking-and-the-onc-health-it-certification
Given that FHIR R4 is the new FHIR version of choice … Listen, Learn, Informed Choice. episode included
in the collection and worked with Mr. van Leeuwen to
January 01, 2011 - The doctor then confirmed the location of the pharmacy of choice and sent
the script. … They may adopt it because they have limited choice in the
decision, but their use of it is limited.
September 25, 2006 - can include:
• Gaining measurable quality improvements in health care services
• Empowering consumer choice … Known as employers of choice for innovative human
resources programs, they are dedicated to helping
January 01, 2008 - with Partners IS, we designed an interactive template
(“Smart Form”) to assist in antibiotic dose and choice … we assessed the
overall effects of an EHR with smart forms on rates of antibiotic prescribing and choice … We developed smart forms to assist physicians in antibiotic choice and dosing
for ARI with otitis media
January 01, 2008 - covered all waves of data collection requiring consent although the
consented was always given the choice … asked to select the
definitions of six terms (2 NANDA, 2 NOC, and 2 NIC) from three to four multiple choice … The terms were selected from those used frequently on the unit and the
multiple choice incorrect answers
January 01, 2024 - patient-reported outcome-guided predictive analytic
decision aid in terms of decision quality and treatment choice … RCT on 3 variables known or suspected to be highly predictive of
decision quality and/or treatment choice