April 01, 2015 - A Study of the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Lessons From a New York State Community Health Center
A Study of the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Lessons From a New
York State Community Health Center
Principal Investigator: Neil Calman, MD
Institution: The Institute for Family Health
AHRQ Grant Number: R18…
June 05, 2016 - Are affected
staff willing to
April 01, 2015 - Front-line staff
often expressed feeling overwhelmed by changes and experienced change fatigue.
February 16, 2011 - gaps and problems in your current processes, and use the results of this analysis to systematically change … When a change in condition occurs
Does your hospital’s policy state that a skin assessment … Provide regular pain med administration
· Reassess effectiveness of med
· Assess/treat side effects
· Change
January 01, 2007 - Provides a brief overview of TeamSTEPPS, including a brief
video and an interactive TeamSTEPPS Model of Change … The Master Trainer, as a
change agent, must serve as a leader to implement
TeamSTEPPS and facilitate … change. … This includes:
• Change Management—Provides information about
organizational change through Kotter … ’s Eight Steps of
November 01, 2013 - A South Carolina physician commented, “Everybody has to understand that change is not one person’s job … “Everybody has to understand that change is not one person’s job, it is the practice’s job.” … The providers interviewed for this study were beginning to accept and adapt to that change.
January 01, 2016 - you will know whether care is improving, staying the same, or getting worse in response to efforts to change … Pressure injury rates may change based on the season or month of the year. … can be displayed as an annotated run chart to show the impact of prevention strategies during the QI change … injury data over time, especially in an annotated run chart, you can see how the pressure injury rates change
October 01, 2015 - Skip to main content
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September 08, 2015 - health, even if limited to a subset of high-
priority Format requirements, could help spur desired change … specifically required the development
of a Children’s EHR Format and thus
became an impetus for change … industry’s
understanding of the role of technology
in children’s health care but also to
accomplish change … 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes No change to
existing EHR
2 Yes No N/A Yes—in upgrade Consider
upgrade … Yes No N/A Yes Training
4 Yes No N/A No IT solution
5 No Yes or no N/A Yes or no No change
March 01, 2017 - The Comprehensive
Unit-Based Safety Program (CUSP) is a change model designed to improve resident safety … Each section of this guide is further described:
• Program Elements highlights the culture change model … The culture change model for this program is CUSP. … As resident outcomes change, an LTC facility wants to know that the interventions or changes applied … To change the way facilities do their work and provide care,
refer to the Long-Term Care Safety Toolkit
March 01, 2016 - So making change in patient experience here is challenging and has to be
done really at scale and so … You can see that also there hasn't been tremendous change over the three-year
period. … Small changes are not going to make a change in our CAHPS survey. … That has really been a powerful motivator for staff to know that
they can make the change. … They are the ones who are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the
June 01, 2017 - Slide 4: Sustaining Change Is Not Easy! … Many (if not most) change implementations fail to sustain. 6
Few studies provide practical guidance
October 01, 2014 - For example, if the Activator was the nurse, his or her role could change from primary caregiver in the … Physician shift change (responsibility).
Evolving patient condition. … What went wrong and how can we change the RRS to prevent recurrence? … She did not note any specific change in clinical status, though she agreed that the patient seemed lethargic … The nurse called the physician at 3 a.m. and described the patient's general status change as being "
June 16, 2017 - If not, how would you change it? … Communicate patient’s risk factors orally at shift change and medical rounds.
Document and Communicate … huddles (safety briefing)
Page 44
Practice Insight
Convene safety huddles at every shift change … Change plan of care.
Involve patient/family in learning about the fall occurrence.
October 01, 2015 - IMPaCT grants helped to develop and disseminate packaged resources; for example, North Carolina’s change … Where there is resistance to practice transformation, attitudes are likely to change when payers begin
October 01, 2016 - records and changes in history, helping with procedures, doing
preventive screenings, and some behavior change … To
make changes, they now start small, working out the change with one provider and one team
before … Measurement and data are foundations of
QI, but empowering care teams to use data to change care patterns … The data specialist role is important, bridging data management and
practice change.
March 01, 2019 - Who has the political or professional clout to make change happen? … sustained and strengthened, ask:
How has the membership changed over time, or how is it likely to change … Has there been a change in the leadership of your institutional home?
October 01, 2015 - This tool is part of the Readiness To Change section in the Toolkit Roadmap. … Slide 12
Toolkit for Using the AHRQ Quality Indicators
How To Improve Hospital Quality and Safety
• Change … Laterality
– Greater specificity in code assignment
• The AHRQ QIs have been updated to reflect this
September 01, 2017 - Reassessment should be done whenever there is a change in a patient’s condition, or when he or she is … What elements in this case study may change quickly and reduce his risk for a fall? … If not, how would you change it? … You also need to communicate patients’ risk factors orally at shift change, and by review of the medical … Slide 49
Do: Start a discussion of opportunities for change and action steps for Key Intervention
May 17, 2021 - Job Aid: Presenting Performance Data
Primary Care Practice Facilitator
Training Series
Job Aid: Presenting Performance Data
Presenting performance data to a practice in a way that facilitates meaningful action is an
important part of quality improvement and an essential activity for a …