November 20, 2014 - How do you manage the change process at the patient care level? … Page 59
Manage the Change Process
Ensure staff understand new roles. … Ensure staff understand reasons for change and agree change is needed. … .
Manage the Change Process
Have adequate access to supplies and equipment available. … Implementation Progress
Baseline measures of fall rates and processes should be obtained before any change
March 01, 2017 - Implementing Change in Long-Term Care: A Practical Guide to Transformation . … Slide 16: Implementing Change Successfully
Kotter's Eight Steps of Change 2
Step 1: … vision
Empower others to act
Generate short-term wins
Consolidate gains and produce more change … CMS National Nursing Home Quality Care Collaborative (NNHQCC) Change Package. … Implementing Change in Long-Term Care: A Practical Guide to Transformation .
July 26, 2012 - Phase II:
Planning, Training, Implementing
Goals and desired outcomes
Processes to change … Behaviors to change
Training logistics
Goals and Outcomes
What needs to … change?
January 01, 2013 - Are you ready for this change?
2. How will you manage change?
3. … You may need to change the people to whom the hazard is reported based on your local organizational setup
January 01, 2013 - Are you ready for this change?
2. How will you manage change?
3. … Current Fall Prevention Policies and Practices
2E—Fall Knowledge Test
2F—Action Plan
2G—Managing Change
March 01, 2017 - of Infection Prevention
Overview of Toolkit Modules
Slides 6–13
Implementing Change … Materials: Slides 6–13
Audience: LTC administrators and leaders
Topic: Implementing Change
Method … : During a leadership meeting, discuss your facility's safety culture and the how to implement change
May 01, 2017 - Sustainability
IHI: Sustaining Improvements in Ambulatory Surgical Safety
Step One: Determine Change … Reliability
Step Two: Develop and Use a Sustainability Prediction Tool To Understand Nature of Change … and Context
Step Three: Develop Infrastructure for Sustainability
Step Four: Change
February 03, 2006 - 05.2
Mod 11 LTC 2.0 Page ‹#›
Implementation Planning
10 Steps of Implementation Planning
Create a Change … profession
Mod 11 LTC 2.0 Page ‹#›
Implementation Planning
Step 1: Create a Change … Key Actions:
Select a multidisciplinary Change Team
Ensure representation from different leadership levels … Level IV Results
Key Actions:
Identify who on your Change Team will be responsible for data collection … Identify the Change Team
2. Define the Main Problems
3. Define TeamSTEPPS Aims
October 01, 2013 -
Proactive and ready community resource
Readiness for behavior change …
Shared decision-making
Stage of behavior change … F
Clinic/clinician actions to learn about community resources
Clinician readiness to change … Patient actions to learn about community resources
Progress through the stages of behavior change … maintain relationships with clinic(s)
Progress through the stages of organizational behavior change
January 01, 2013 - • Incorporate change into routine
care. … • Give all patients noted to have a change in
mental status a Delirium Evaluation Bundle to
determine … 24
Training Staff on New Practices
• Managing change process
• Getting staff engaged and excited … • Helping staff learn new practices
Strategies for Managing Change Process
• Engage staff to … • Change practices or the implementation plan
to address their concerns.
February 23, 2018 - Leadership strongly supports practice change efforts
F. … It is hard to get things to change in our practice
I. … As an employee, I am afraid of being left behind with
all the organizational change.
3. … When my employment organization goes through
change, I frequently feel tense or nervous.
5. … I am insecure about change in my employment
organization over which I have no control.
May 01, 2017 - decisionmaking
May 2017
On-Time Overview
Role of the Facilitator
Establish relationship with Change … Overview
Facilitator Role: Preliminary Support
Provide input on the composition of the change … The Facilitator encourages the champion to lead a discussion to help the Change Team decide how to use … Monitor the team’s level of engagement:
Are key members of the Change Team participating in meetings … May 2017
On-Time Overview
Facilitator Role: Monitoring
Impact of On-Time
Assist the Change Team
June 01, 2014 - Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … Create a proactive plan of care: Activity to Fulfill Needs: 11
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … needs and goals: 16
Create a proactive plan of care: 19, 27
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change
June 01, 2014 - Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … and goals: 14, 15, 17
Create a proactive plan of care: 28
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change
June 01, 2014 - Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … and goals: 10, 30, 33
Create a proactive plan of care: 28
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … Across health care teams or settings: 4, 5, 8, 11, 12
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change
May 01, 2017 - Through the lens of the Kotter model, CUSP aligns with culture change and quality improvement models … Support from the top is crucial to the success of culture improvement efforts, but real, lasting change … Slide 9
The CUSP model supports all eight steps of the popular change model by John Kotter. … the sense of urgency essential to inspire change among your teams. … Slide 26
Culture change is hard work.
June 01, 2014 - Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … settings: E9
Assess needs and goals: D7, D9, E8, I1, I11-I14
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change
June 01, 2014 - Facilitate transitions
Across settings
As coordination needs change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change …
Create a proactive plan of care
Monitor, follow up, and respond to change … Bean-Mayberry BA, Change CH, McNeil MA, et al.
October 01, 2014 - Module 2: Communicating Change in a Resident's Condition
Session 1
Previous Page Next Page … C up to help her change and wash before bed, Mrs. … Working together with team members to identify what the change might mean. … Working together to identify what the change might mean. … Who is responsible for communicating change in a resident's condition? We all are.
September 01, 2015 - How will we know that a change is
an improvement? … What change can we make that will
result in an improvement? … • How will we know that a change is an improvement? … smaller tests of change
Describe your first (or next) test of change: Person
responsible … PDSA Worksheet for Testing Change
List the tasks needed to set up this test of change