January 01, 2011 - This survey is about the lasting effects of cancer and cancer treatments on the lives of those who … have been
diagnosed with cancer. … Cancer History
This first section asks about your cancer history. … or a malignancy of any kind?
… your cancer?
January 01, 2011 - with Cancer, for
current cancer patients and cancer survivors identified in the Medical
Expenditure … There were no respondents with multiple
cancers so there was no indication of how the translation would … you had cancer or a malignancy of any kind? … Q1 ¿Le ha dicho alguna vez un medico u otro
profesional de la salud que usted tenía cáncer o un tumor … Another younger respondent gave the example that he may be more likely
to develop other types of cancers
January 01, 2011 - Some respondents focused on their most severe diagnosis, or cancers
requiring extensive treatment … When formulating answers, some respondents
aggregated their cancers while others referred to different … cancers for
different items. … One respondent with multiple cancers was not sure how to calculate the
duration because her employment … One respondent who had multiple cancer diagnoses noted that only one of
his cancers limited him, describing
January 01, 2011 - with Cancer,
for current cancer patients and cancer survivors identified
in the Medical Expenditure … boat rowers with cancer. … a wide variety of cancer patients and cancer survivors. … cancer (bladder). … One respondent who has bladder cancer and previously had skin cancer
paused at Q4.
December 09, 2022 - The Cancer Self-Administered Questionnaire (CSAQ) was fielded in 2011, 2016
and 2017. … for current cancer patients and cancer survivors identified in the Medical
Expenditure Panel … The Cancer SAQ asked adult respondents questions about the burden
of cancer, medical care for … cancer, long lasting effects of the disease, financial impact,
and employment outcomes for … cancer survivors and their families.
January 01, 2021 - conditions, 2020
(in billions)
Cancer … In 2020, cancer, mental disorders, osteoarthritis and other joint disorders, and diabetes were among … The highest condition-related expenditure total was for the treatment of cancer ($172 billion).
January 01, 2021 - and Cost Trends, AHRQ, Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2020.
❱ In 2020, cancer … most costly conditions.
❱ The highest condition-related expenditure total was for the treatment of cancer
January 27, 2023 - Priority Conditions
-- Cancer
December 02, 2022 - PDF, 1.98 MB)
Respondent Payment Experiment – Results from Panel 13
December 31, 2020 - For example, when performing breast cancer surgery, a
surgical pathologist’s examination of tissues … The presence of benign or malignant tumors is the most frequent reason for a
hysterectomy. … – L –
Lumpectomy: Surgical removal of a tumor from the breast, especially to remove only the
tumor … – M –
Mammogram: X-ray photograph of the breasts, usually used to detect breast cancer. … Examples may include spinal fluid specimens, cancers that are
December 31, 2020 - The presence of benign or malignant tumors is the most
frequent reason for a hysterectomy … Return To Table Of Contents
Lumpectomy: Surgical removal of a tumor … from the breast, especially to remove only the tumor and
no other tissue or lymph nodes … Mammogram: X-ray photograph of the
breasts, usually used to detect breast cancer … Examples may include spinal fluid specimens, cancers that
are difficult to classify
January 01, 2019 - lump-sum, tax-free payment if
they suffer from serious illnesses, including but not limited to cancer
January 01, 2017 - lump-sum, tax-free payment if they suffer from serious illnesses, including but not limited to
These plans are limited to only certain types of illnesses such as cancer … MAMMOGRAM –
An x-ray photograph of the breasts, usually used to detect breast cancer.