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    April 01, 2010 - to identify patients diagnosed in 2006 with one of the following tumor types and stage IV disease: breast … At JHH/SKCCC, the cancer registry identified patients with stage IV lung, pancreatic, breast, and colorectal … Not all common malignancies were well-represented in this study (e.g., breast cancer), and further evaluation … African American Other 155 (65%) 76 (32%) 7 ( 2%) 73 (62%) 36 (30%) 9 (8%) Cancer Type Breast
    November 01, 2017 - (You can also specify a particular health-promoting activity, such as breast-feeding) Respiratory failure
    November 01, 2017 - (You can also specify a particular health-promoting activity, such as breast-feeding) Coronary artery
    January 26, 2013 - Bottle-fed vs. breast-fed 2. Passive cigarette smoking exposure 3.
    January 22, 2010 - Predictors of pessimistic breast cancer risk perceptions in a primary care population. … Black-white differences in risk perceptions of breast cancer survival and screening mammography benefit … Latina patient perspectives about informed treatment decision making for breast cancer. … Retention and use of breast cancer recurrence risk information from genomic tests: the role of health … Agreement between scales in the measurement of breast cancer risk perceptions.
    December 01, 2012 - In 2012, it is expected to be the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer (after prostate, breast, and … cancer and aid in determination of prognosis in breast cancer.”6 Using GEP tests could improve the … Given the current role of GEP testing in patients with breast cancer, questions formulated in a report … for the AHRQ on GEP testing in patients with breast cancer11 were used to inform this Technical Brief … A breast cancer prognostic signature predicts clinical outcomes in multiple tumor types.
    April 01, 2019 - In addition, estrogen/progestin was associated with an increased risk of invasive breast cancer. … harms varied by a long list of patient characteristics.44-47 Though results suggested that risk of breast … Continued breast cancer risk reduction in postmenopausal women treated with raloxifene: 4-year results … Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2001 Jan;65(2):125-34. PMID: 11261828. 29. … Continuing outcomes relevant to Evista: breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal osteoporotic women
    October 12, 2016 - We acknowledge that not all trials included a breast fed group for benchmarking and that we did not … Again, we acknowledge that not all trials included a breast fed group for benchmarking and that we … Note: Breast-feeding Danish women were evaluated for the impact of supplementation during the first … In children with a FADS genotype linked to a low endogenous LC-PUFA synthesis, breast- feeding supplying … Therefore, it is recommended that women who are pregnant or breast-feeding consume at least 8 and up
    September 01, 2011 - outcomes tables, such as those included below from the review of Medications to Reduce Risk of Primary Breast … Placebo Invasive breast cancer No difference 7 (4,12) † +++ 9 (4, 14) +++ 10 (3, 17) ++ Estrogen … Comparative Effectiveness of Medications to Reduce Risk of Primary Breast Cancer in Women.
  10. Organisation (pdf file)
    June 16, 2008 - Clinical Cancer Research 2004;10(5):1764-72. 15014030 Breast Bush DA, Slater JD, Garberoglio C, … A technique of partial breast irradiation utilizing proton beam radiotherapy: comparison with conformal … Accelerated partial-breast irradiation using proton beams: initial clinical experience. … Neutron versus photon radiotherapy for local control in inoperable breast cancer. … Accelerated partial breast irradiation using proton beams: Initial dosimetric experience.
    June 01, 2012 - heart disease.6 Cancer is indicated if one or more of the following cancers are classified: female breast … Part B, fee for service coverage, survived six months. ** Dual / Nondual monthly status changes. † Breast … Part B, fee for service coverage, survived six months. ** Dual / Nondual monthly status changes. † Breast
    July 01, 2012 - of the use of non-invasive imaging in addition to standard workup after recall for evaluation of a breast … Impact of Gene Expression Profiling Tests on Breast Cancer Outcomes. … Comparative Effectiveness of Core-Needle and Open Surgical Biopsy for the Diagnosis of Breast Lesions … Noninvasive Diagnostic Tests for Breast Abnormalities: Update of a 2006 Review.
    May 18, 2015 - from fish and other marine sources, some were from dietary supplements, some were indirect (through breast … is the influence of maternal intakes of n-3 fatty acids or the n-3 fatty acid content of maternal breast … -3 FA) or n-3 FA-supplemented infant formula or intakes of n-3 FA from sources other than maternal breast … fatty acids was assessed during pregnancy § Children whose exposure to n-3 fatty acids (through breast … n-3 fatty acids from foods if concentrations are quantified in food frequency questionnaires § Breast
    February 01, 2017 - 26, all histologies 89Sr with dendritic cell vaccine 40 0 NR NR 58% at 36 mo Yamada, 201214 16, breast … Concurrent use of Sr-89 chloride with zoledronic acid is safe and effective for breast cancer patients … Bone-related complications and quality of life in advanced breast cancer: Results from a randomized phase … versus zoledronic acid in the treatment of bone metastases in patients with advanced cancer (excluding breast … Denosumab compared with zoledronic acid for the treatment of bone metastases in patients with advanced breast
    January 01, 2007 - Effect Estimates from Risk-Adjustment and Instrumental Variable Methods: Surgery for Early- Stage Breast
    December 01, 2024 - Results from two systematic reviews limited to evaluating lung, colorectal, breast, ovarian, and prostate … Data from 41 RCTs were included from trials for lung (n=12), colorectal (n=11), breast (n=6), ovarian … The correlation estimates for breast and prostate cancer could not exclude a null correlation at either … Cancer Type Number of Studies Correlation, Earliest Followup Correlation, Last Followup Breast … Screening for Breast Cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement.
    January 01, 2012 - A well-known example is the use of tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer. … They then estimated, for each outcome and based on the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, the expected … Weighing the risks and benefits of tamoxifen treatment for preventing breast cancer. … Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer: current status of the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast … The International Breast Cancer Study Group. Cancer Treat Rev. 1993; 19 Suppl A:73-84. 58.
    February 01, 2018 - death (by any cause besides heart attack) prevents incident heart attack from occurring; in a study of breast … cancer, preventive double mastectomy likewise may be considered a competing risk for breast cancer. … risks can lead to missing data in certain settings; sometimes a study may be interested in the risk of breast … beliefs about their personal risks 3 Managing Missing Data in Patient Registries of developing breast … In such a setting, the breast cancer status that these women would have had, had they not gotten a mastectomy
    October 01, 2023 - Few studies examined diagnostics or diagnostic outcomes, such as breast cancer diagnosis quality measures
    November 01, 2017 - It may also occur with other common tumors such as breast cancer.

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