March 01, 2010 - Research & Review. 71(5):522-54.
Patient Experience and Patient Behavior
• Better … health screening and health counseling services
• Greater patient trust in physician is related to:
• Better … www.ahrq.gov/cahps
Patient Experience and Clinical Processes
• Hospitals with highest HCAHPS scores do better … ulcers,
post-operative respiratory failure, and pulmonary
embolism or deep venous thrombosis
• Better … patient-centered hospital care associated with
better 1-year survival, controlling for comorbidity,
January 31, 2024 - Study
Embracing the future-is artificial intelligence already better? … Embracing the future—is artificial intelligence already better? … Embracing the future—is artificial intelligence already better?
February 01, 2016 - This is very important for me because not only am I able to communicate with the patient but also better … So that we were working better with our colleagues in addition to working better with our patients. … To work on this model means that you're going to do a better job. You're going to give better care. … Yes, I listened to them, to see what their needs were and they did it and now they feel better so we
February 29, 2012 - Better medical office safety culture is not associated with
better scores on quality measures. … Better medical office safety culture is not associated with
better scores on quality measures. … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/better-medical-office-safety-culture-not-associated-better-scores-quality … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/better-medical-office-safety-culture-not-associated-better-scores-quality-measures … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/better-medical-office-safety-culture-not-associated-better-scores-quality-measures
October 17, 2018 - Making doctors better.
October 17, 2018
Gerada C, Chatfield C, Rimmer A, et al. … Making doctors better. BMJ. 2018;363:k4147.
doi:10.1136/bmj.k4147. … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/making-doctors-better
Systems must be designed to support staff well-being … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/making-doctors-better
December 22, 2018 - Are parents who feel the need to watch over their
children's care better patient safety partners? … Are Parents Who Feel the Need to Watch Over Their
Children's Care Better Patient Safety Partners? … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/are-parents-who-feel-need-watch-over-their-childrens-care-better-patient … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/are-parents-who-feel-need-watch-over-their-childrens-care-better-patient-safety-partners … https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/are-parents-who-feel-need-watch-over-their-childrens-care-better-patient-safety-partners
April 21, 2015 - Study
Do hospital boards matter for better, safer, patient care? … Do Hospital Boards matter for better, safer, patient care? … Do Hospital Boards matter for better, safer, patient care?
January 01, 2011 - Conversational Information Technology for Better, Safer Pediatric Primary Care
1 | Conversational information … teChnology for Better, safer PediatriC
Primary Care
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity: enAbling PAtient-Centered … CAre through
heAlth it (r18)
Conversational Information Technology for Better, Safer Pediatric
Primary … The content of the PHP system includes three
2 | Conversational information teChnology for Better … PHP parents were also more likely to report being better prepared for visits.
January 01, 2010 - Conversational Information Technology for Better, Safer Pediatric Primary Care
1 | Conversational information … teChnol
Better, safer PediatriC Primary C
ogy fo
2010 Grant Summary
Conversational Information … Technology for
Better, Safer Pediatric Primary Care
Principal Investigator: Adams, William, M.D … information to prepopulate the visit documentation.
2 | Conversational information teChnology for
Better … comprehensive information at visits,
identifying and counseling parents with important issues, and better
January 01, 2007 - Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed
Why Better DKPs are Needed
The current knowledge ecosystem does not support aspiring LHSs (e.g., CDOs … high-functioning LHS cycle requires DKPs from individual organizations
interoperate with each other and better … Policymaker/Public Health Professional:What policies public health interventions are needed to better … An AHRQ DKP would provide a more user- and
need-focused platform to serve users better by providing … Digital Healthcare Knowledge Ecosystem
Why Better DKPs are Needed