December 01, 2015 - Until we
have more research to better understand the balance of benefits and harms of a clinical visual
July 26, 2016 - Rather than
recommending for or against this screening, the Task Force is calling for more research to better
March 19, 2013 - examine whether using the
ABI to screen for PAD and assess the risk of cardiovascular disease leads to better
March 01, 2014 - The science was better for diet and physical activity to prevent cardiovascular disease outcomes, with … Use of these metrics, along with better reporting of data on the number, frequency, and duration of intervention … pressure, blood glucose level, and lipid level, may be an untapped resource for secondary analyses to better … The behavioral science community can better align primary care–based intervention studies with the key … We can do better—improving the health of the American people. N Engl J Med . 2007;357:1221-8.
March 15, 2022 - “While evidence is limited in all people, certain groups need to
be better represented in studies on
November 27, 2018 - “More research is needed on ways to prevent maltreatment before it occurs so that we can better
December 15, 2020 - “Evidence consistently shows that screening and early treatment leads to better health
March 15, 2022 - “While evidence is limited in all people, certain groups need to
be better represented in studies on
January 01, 2022 - Improved representation in research can lead to better, evidence-based
guidance for all people.
February 01, 2004 - Although prognosis may be better for individuals
with less advanced disease, there has been no
February 15, 2004 - Although prognosis may be better for individuals with less advanced disease, there has been no substantive
March 03, 2016 - Are there new screening approaches for detecting ovarian cancer that have better yield or accuracy than
June 04, 2020 - : Asymptomatic adults with vision impairment (current corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40 but better
January 01, 2020 - Screening
Evaluate screening and interventions for suicide risk, including:
Understanding how to better
October 09, 2018 - To update this recommendation statement, the Task Force looked at new evidence that
helps us better … Until we have better screening tests to distinguish men who
will have cancers that spread from those
October 09, 2018 - To update this recommendation statement, the Task Force looked at new evidence that
helps us better … Until we have better screening tests to distinguish men who
will have cancers that spread from those
September 05, 2017 - “The Task Force is calling for more research to better understand the balance of benefits
and harms
June 28, 2016 - Learn more here
“The Task Force is calling for more research to better understand the benefits and harms
March 07, 2017 - “The Task Force is calling for more research to better understand the benefits and harms associated
April 16, 2013 - “While we
need more and better solutions, some women at increased risk for breast cancer may choose