March 28, 2017 - Additional research is also needed to better understand the natural history of subclinical and silent … higher score indicates more severe symptoms
PGWB: 6-point Likert scale, higher score indicates better … health-related quality of life
SF-36: 0-100, higher score indicates better health-related quality … of life
VAS: 0-100, higher score indicates better subjective perception of health
April 15, 2013 - Better evidence is needed about the long-term harms of ART, including risks for cardiovascular and kidney … Further follow-up is necessary to better delineate potential long-term harms of ART initiation at higher … It would also be helpful to better elucidate the potential risks and long-term outcomes associated with … Similarly, additional studies are needed to better define the optimum timing for treatment initiation
September 03, 2002 - Data Synthesis: For studies of fair quality or better, the summary relative risk was 0.84 (95% CrI, … In addition, we found better ascertainment of clinical variables (including previous mastectomy) among … Otherwise, one study was not clearly better or worse than another. … We considered blinded review of deaths a requirement for a quality rating of fair or better. … Fair or better
* Italic type indicates aspects of the
January 01, 1996 - require controlled prospective studies demonstrating that persons who receive screening experience better … cases detected through screening, and it is argued that early surgery for large curves may produce better … studies to demonstrate whether adolescents who are screened routinely for idiopathic scoliosis have better
January 01, 1996 - Childhood obesity may be a significant risk factor for adult obesity, with adolescent obesity being a better … these conditions independent of BMI, 27-35 and may predict the complications of obesity in adults better … 56 The WHR, the circumference of the waist divided by the circumference of the hips, which may be a better
June 20, 2019 - Exercise tolerance
testing has been proposed as a means of better identifying
asymptomatic patients at … bypass surgery
on persons with severe obstructions is relatively cost-effective
compared with other, better-accepted … Better risk assessment may help
clinicians and patients make better decisions about inter-
ventions for … Exercise tolerance testing will
probably perform better when applied to higher-risk
groups, such as persons … Finally, better information about the ad-
verse effects of screening is required if researchers are to
February 03, 2004 - Exercise tolerance testing has been proposed as a means of better identifying asymptomatic patients at … bypass surgery on persons with severe obstructions is relatively cost effective compared with other, better-accepted … Better risk assessment may help clinicians and patients make better decisions about interventions for … Exercise tolerance testing will probably perform better when applied to higher-risk groups, such as persons … Finally, better information about the adverse effects of screening is required if researchers are to
June 03, 2019 - Data Synthesis: For studies of fair quality or better, the sum-
mary relative risk was 0.84 (95% CrI, … In addition, we found better
ascertainment of clinical variables (including previous mas-
tectomy) among … Fair or better Poor Fair Fair Fair Fair
* Italic type indicates aspects of the design or conduct of … Otherwise, one study was not clearly
better or worse than another. … We considered
blinded review of deaths a requirement for a quality rating
of fair or better.
January 01, 2015 - One trial
found treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism associ-
ated with better quality of life in patients … mIU/L (mean NR)
Levothyroxine, 72 μg for 2 mo
(mean): 33
Placebo: 31
QOL: Odds of patients feeling better … To better understand
potential benefits and harms of thyroid screening, re-
search is needed on the prevalence … Better search tools: More meaningful results, with screening and refining
January 01, 1996 - No controlled trials have been performed to prove that those screened for neural tube defects have better … It may enable clinicians to provide more intensive obstetric care and to better prepare for the delivery … fetuses with uncomplicated meningomyelocele, cesarean delivery before the onset of labor resulted in better … Motor function was not significantly better at 4 years, however.
July 15, 2008 - The first included all studies that were fair-quality or better, adjusted for at least 5 Framingham risk … Meta-analysis of Fair-Quality or Better Studies
Our meta-analysis of the 22 studies (in 23 … They note that measures of risk reclassification are probably better than the c-statistic for assessing … substantially differ between models with and without CRP level, a model that included CRP level had better … model that included all Framingham risk score variables and found that the model with CRP level had better
July 15, 2008 - The first included all studies that were fair-quality or better, adjusted for at least 5 Framingham risk … Meta-analysis of Fair-Quality or Better Studies
Our meta-analysis of the 22 studies (in 23 … They note that measures of risk reclassification are probably better than the c-statistic for assessing … substantially differ between models with and without CRP level, a model that included CRP level had better … model that included all Framingham risk score variables and found that the model with CRP level had better
December 01, 2002 - Finally, this study cannot address how much better outcomes would have been if treatments were begun … impact of aggressive treatment are greatest, for poorly differentiated cancers. 3
In the absence of better
September 07, 2015 - ; however, findings on iron deficiency, as reported by individual studies, also are provided for a better … The recommendation was reviewed to ensure consistent use of each term and language was added to better
January 01, 2020 - c
aking them more available and better … This research can be included in
uture systematic reviews of program effectiveness
o that better guidance … HHS awards $35.7 million
to support community programs that promote better health and prevent
January 01, 2018 - to
standard cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools, such as the
Pooled Cohort Equations, can better … for atrial
fibrillation with ECG.19 To fill these gaps, the USPSTF needs well-designed studies to
better … adding ECG testing improves risk prediction among this population,
whether it ultimately leads to better … these nontraditional risk factors.21 To fill these gaps, the
USPSTF needs well-designed studies to better … populations; research is needed to understand whether nontraditional
assessments could allow for a better
April 05, 2021 - To help readers better understand the Task Force's judgment about the certainty of the evidence, the
July 01, 2013 - Better evidence is needed
about the long-term harms of ART, including risks for
cardiovascular and kidney … Further follow-up is
necessary to better delineate potential long-term harms of
ART initiation at higher … It would also be
helpful to better elucidate the potential risks and long-term
outcomes associated with … Sim-
ilarly, additional studies are needed to better define the
optimum timing for treatment initiation
June 15, 2016 - important finding: communicate to referring physician as per accepted practice guidelines”) would allow for better … well as factors that may influence adherence across different screening methods, are needed to help better … The direct harms of endoscopy have been somewhat better studied. 1 Pooled estimates suggest there are … In response, the USPSTF removed these terms from the final recommendation to better communicate the primary
March 01, 2016 - meta-analysis found
anti-VEGF for wet AMD was associated with greater likelihood of having vision 20/200 or
better … years) with mild to moderate vision impair-
ment (defined as best visual acuity worse than 20/40 but better … VEGF inhibitors were associated with
greater likelihood of having vision 20/200 or better vs sham
injection … Visual Acuity of 20/200 or Better With Use of VEGF Inhibitors at 1-Year Follow-up (Key Question 4)
Weight … Numerous observational studies show
that >85% of patients achieve visual
acuity 20/40 or better following