May 15, 2008 - Suggestions for Practice
Until there is better evidence, clinicians should discuss screening for … Suggestions for Practice Regarding the I Statement: Until there is better evidence, clinicians should … studies on the health outcomes of women with various glucose levels, adjusted for obesity, would help us better
May 15, 2008 - Suggestions for Practice
Until there is better evidence, clinicians should discuss screening for … Suggestions for Practice Regarding the I Statement: Until there is better evidence, clinicians should … studies on the health outcomes of women with various glucose levels, adjusted for obesity, would help us better
October 25, 2016 - about individual, system-level, and community-based interventions. 6
Research Needs and Gaps
To better … To better understand the effects of different interventions and patient populations, future research … Studies in populations with low breastfeeding rates are especially needed, and more research is needed to better
December 08, 2003 - Such an assessment is based on each test�s ability to provide better information than would be
obtained … Although test B performs better than test A, the differences on an absolute scale are
small. … In older adults, for
whom CHD risk is generally higher, the tests will perform better, but whether … Although such projections about cost-effectiveness from models are helpful, a better
appreciation of … Finally, better
information about the adverse effects of screening is required if researchers are to
October 07, 2013 - population of interest was changed from persons age 18 years and older to persons age 40 years and older to better
September 27, 2014 - : Asymptomatic adults with vision impairment (current corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40 but better
January 12, 2016 - Finally, the Task Force identified a number of areas where additional research is needed to better
October 07, 2013 - population of interest was changed from persons age 18 years and older to persons age 40 years and older to better
March 19, 2024 - between risk factors and maltreatment rather than clinician perception of parental practices) appear better … Other comments suggested the USPSTF call for additional research on better risk assessment tools to identify … agrees that the identification of broad approaches on this topic could be helpful, particularly to better … Overrepresentation of Black children in the child welfare system: a systematic review to understand and better
June 12, 2020 - or older with impaired vi-
sual acuity (defined as best corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40
but better … or older with impaired visual acuity (defined as best
corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40 but better … than
15 letters of visual acuity loss (RR, 1.46 [95% CI, 1.22-1.75]), and hav-
ing vision of 20/200 or better … (RR, 1.47 [95% CI, 1.30-1.66]).13 Only
1 trial (n = 716) reported better vision-related function.13
May 24, 2022 - 37% (351/962); RR, 0.86
(95% CI, 0.65-1.13)
NEI-VFQ mean composite score (scale
0-100; higher score = better … visual acuity loss (RR,
1.46 [95% CI, 1.22-1.75]; I2 = 80%; ARD, 27%); and having vision
20/200 or better … 9-10 in the Supplement).24,27,44
In 1 trial,52 VEGF inhibitors were significantly associated with
better … visual acuity loss (RR, 1.46 [95% CI,
1.22-1.75]; I2 = 80%; ARD, 27%), and having vision 20/200
or better … 1.66]; I2 = 42%; ARD, 24%)
at 1 y vs sham injection
In 1 trial, VEGF inhibitors were associated with better
April 25, 2017 - More research on the complex pathophysiology of preeclampsia is needed to better understand and define … to creatinine ratio in point-of-care urine testing in general populations and repeat testing could better … pregnant population typically found in primary care. 4
Evidence suggests that automated tests have better … gestation. 4 Five of the 16 externally validated multivariable risk-prediction models had good or better
March 14, 2024 - We are urgently calling for more evidence to better understand whether Black women could potentially
November 02, 2021 - The National Institutes of Health’s “Learn More Breathe Better” program provides information about the … of COPD at https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/education-and-awareness/copd-learn-more-breathe-better
April 30, 2024 - We need to know how best to improve health equity
across screening and treatment so we can better help
March 01, 2016 - of
adults 80 years or older.1 About 60% of all cases of refractive error
are deemed correctable to better … Consistent evidence shows that most older adults with a
refractive error can achieve visual acuity better … of persons with myopia and 86% to 96% of
persons with hyperopia achieved visual acuity of 20/40 or better … About 90% of patients have postop-
erative visual acuity better than 20/40.1,4,17 The effects of cataract
April 21, 2015 - breast cancer, the
Task Force did not find enough evidence to determine whether it will result in better
January 01, 2020 - information about individual, system-level, and community-based
Research Needs and Gaps
To better … To better
understand the effects of different interventions and patient
populations, future research … Studies in populations with low breastfeeding rates
are especially needed, and more research is needed to better
February 15, 2004 - Efforts to promote prompt assessment and better evaluation of testicular problems may be more effective
June 15, 2004 - there new direct evidence that screening asymptomatic adolescents for idiopathic scoliosis leads to better … Key Question 5: Is there new evidence that scoliosis treatments lead to better health outcomes if applied