October 01, 2015 - for redesigning primary care in the United States to improve health care quality, reduce costs, and better
January 01, 2016 - "They see better, safer patient care. It has made an impact on the institution."
December 01, 2009 - Abbreviation
Full Name
Glycated hemoglobin
American Academy of Pediatrics
Assuring Better
October 01, 2014 - Information resources are designed to help users better understand the health care system, health services
December 01, 2017 - Qualitative analysis of interviews with nine staff members was completed to better understand how materials
March 01, 2024 - implementation, you will often go back and adjust something and want to test whether the change you made is better … This process worked better.
What did you conclude from this cycle?
October 11, 2018 - Similarly, discussing screening
results with parents not only allowed providers to better refer children … Clinical Not applicable
Improvement A higher score equals better quality.
September 08, 2015 - practices apply the lessons learned,
such as redesigning a practice and/
or adjusting workflows to better … • Better population management. … However, the
CHIPRA quality demonstration gave
many practices a better understanding
of the value … coordination systems with existing
staff, whereas others may decide
that a designated coordinator is the
September 08, 2015 - As a result, the facilitators
developed a better understanding of
QI processes such as PDSA cycles, … group of doctors and nurses and
support staff get together, and start
thinking of ways to practice better … Figures 1, 2, and 3 suggest that learning
collaboratives can support practice
improvement that leads to better … The State of Quality Improvement
Science in Health: What Do We Know about
How to Provide Better Care
May 10, 2017 - • Monitoring the plan of care and the surrounding situation to
better anticipate residents’ needs … • Can the roles of the designated leader and situational leader
be better defined in your unit, department … • Monitoring the plan of care and the surrounding situation to better anticipate residents’ needs, … • Can the roles of the designated leader and situational leader be better defined in your unit, department
February 01, 2019 - Note: A higher rate indicates better performance.
1.D. … To the extent that psychosocial interventions are associated with
better outcomes (Eyberg, Nelson, Boggs … psychosocial care among
children and adolescents with a new antipsychotic prescription were higher (i.e., better … If data are not available in existing data systems or would be better collected from future
data systems … Because this measure focuses on the rate of providing a recommended service, a higher rate
indicates better
June 01, 2019 - more people are answering positively or agreeing with
the item and that a higher percent positive is better … this is not a requirement to answer everyone by any means but by
answering each question you might be better … As Laura noted, it's better not to do a survey at all than to do nothing with those results. … Another question here we have is, do you find using multiple criteria for prioritization leads to better … Does it lead to better and deeper
culture improvements? Possibly. It depends.
August 01, 2022 - Foster better communication between doctors and patients.
February 09, 2018 - A higher proportion indicates better performance.
February 17, 2011 - How will you spread your better practice (method)?
February 01, 2016 - Nor nonjudgmental (Guess how I think you should do this better?). … While it was entirely acceptable for you to leave at the end of the shift, it would be better to not
May 23, 2018 - States where Medicaid
and CHIP programs coordinate with each other better facilitate transitions for … addition, an age disparity was found with access to care for younger children (4-9 years old)
having better … , although the extremes show that ZIP codes with a lower percentage of enrollees below
the FPL had better … If data are not available in existing data systems or would be better collected from future
data systems … This
suggests that IC constitutes a refinement of the metrics and is better able to reflect a State’
January 20, 2006 - How could the situation have been handled better?
April 01, 2015 - • Data on primary care physicians working part-time demonstrated better patient experience but
December 31, 2015 - Note: A higher rate indicates better performance.