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    March 07, 2019 - Mix and match different coaching models that might work better for you and for your organization. 6 … ’s Neither judgmental (You did this wrong) Nor nonjudgmental (Guess how I think you should do this better … While it was certainly acceptable for you to leave at the end of the shift, it would be better not to … While it was certainly acceptable for you to leave at the end of the shift, it would be better not to … Coaches provide individuals with the tools to better do their work.
    May 01, 2017 - managers and executives, understand that systems are designed to achieve specific results, they are better … professionals/education/curriculum- tools/cusptoolkit/videos/04g_diverseinput/index.html SAY: Teams make better … • Teams make better decisions when there is diverse input.
    August 01, 2010 - CAHPS survey results, the survey sponsors aim to make consumers more informed about local physicians, better … This recent usability testing found that although longer labels helped consumers better understand the … Research found that this combination resulted in better comparability of data across respondents who … for example, Never, Sometimes, and Usually) as if they are the same—that is, as if “Usually” is no better … summaries of performance in a quality framework composed of these three categories can help users better
    January 20, 2006 - improvement in work performance; It meets the team’s and individual’s need for growth; It promotes better … The person receiving feedback will be better able to correct or modify performance if specific actions … Obtain an agreement: “Can we agree that would be a better way to handle such situations?” … Organizations should develop guidelines for acceptable behavior to assist staff in better identifying
    March 01, 2020 - Better access to care typically results in higher levels of patient satisfaction; physician satisfaction … patients to see their personal physician enhances continuity of care, which is associated with both better … Another approach is to implement group visits to better manage care for patients with the same chronic
    August 01, 2017 - A primary goal for this project was to better understand barriers and facilitators of implementing a … RFA-HS-10-022 Regional Ambulatory Near-Miss Reporting and Tracking to Improve Patient Safety) was to better … A better understanding of these factors should inform efforts to adopt near-miss reporting and quality … A change of 5 percentage points corresponds to ‘better’ or ‘lower’ than comparison data, per scoring … As the pace and scope of practice improvement work accelerates, better methods to exchange ideas quickly
    October 16, 2019 - A lower percentage indicates better performance, as reflected by avoiding imaging when it is not indicated
    February 04, 2020 - A higher proportion indicates better performance.
    February 04, 2020 - A higher proportion indicates better performance.
    February 01, 2014 - For example, it may be that patients, physicians, and staff know each other better in small practices … make better decisions about where to seek care and help physicians and non-physician staff make better … For example, do large organizations score better on typical measures of quality but not on areas of … But I believe that, in suggesting these areas, it is better to be specific and to be wrong than to … Which types of medical groups perform better—small, medium, or large?
    November 01, 2022 - aspects of learning health care delivery organizations and practices that are necessary to achieve better
    May 01, 2018 - A review of 55 studies found no evidence that higher doses of antipsychotics were associated with better … We anticipated that entities that have better 10 management of antipsychotic dosing (i.e., lower … rates of higher-than-recommended doses) would also have better management of antipsychotic medication … We also examined correlation with the medication management (higher-is-better) measures and found a … Hispanic children had the lowest (i.e., better) overall rates for both populations.
    May 01, 2017 - Debriefings let the clinical team pause and discuss what went well or what could have been done better … Lastly, there should be a discussion of how the team could provide even better care in the next case. … Make sure there are not better ways to address the items you are considering including in your checklist … Escalating speech is better received than “STOP” when something is of concern. … Slide 53: Summary Say: In summary, improving teamwork and communication can lead to better patient
    October 16, 2018 - A higher rate indicates better performance, as reflected by increased availability of service.
    January 29, 2021 - A higher proportion indicates better performance as reflected by appropriate testing.
    July 01, 2020 - Policies Care has improved Institution should follow/enforce its own rules Institution should create better
    November 26, 2013 - A higher proportion indicates better performance as reflected by appropriate treatment.
    May 12, 2014 - patients using date of birth – Improve processes to obtain patient’s current med list (2 locations) – Better
    December 01, 2023 - families directly into the discussion, so we can more effectively recognize their unique knowledge, and better
    February 01, 2023 - Directors Association , said further research is needed to examine if assisted living communities with better … patient safety culture deliver better quality of care.

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