April 01, 2016 - Huge declines in CVD death in the past 20 years (more than 50%)
Declines are due to a combination of
Better … acute care (e.g. for heart attack and stroke)
Better treatment of cardiovascular risk
Secondary prevention
December 01, 2015 - Lurie Children’s Hospital used the improvement process laid out in the Pediatric QI Toolkit to
gain a better … The physicians
and other staff are also better able to successfully coordinate biopsies, imaging, and
January 01, 2012 - practices, when they
switched over to EHR and actually had it up and functioning, that they had much better … clinicians can communicate the value to patients in terms of being able to help them, help
patients better … manage their care and better coordinate their care. … the systems
changes that they need to make or the practice-based changes that they need to make to better
May 01, 2017 - Better health outcomes for patients.
Better business outcomes for the hospital. … Better experiences of care for patients, family members, clinicians, and staff.
March 01, 2024 - AHRQ Efforts To Address Long COVID
AHRQ is leading multiple efforts to better … in the Senate and to further AHRQ’s efforts to support healthcare clinicians and health systems to better
March 01, 2024 - Project BOOST (Better Outcomes by Optimizing Safe Transitions provides hospitals a comprehensive set … interactive web-based tool that uses a 3D model to support clinicians, designers, and researchers in better
April 01, 2014 - They can tell you how to better address the patients
you serve regarding cultural appropriateness, beliefs … decision aids
› Ask your patient about his or her learning preferences to help you present information better
January 01, 2019 - Strategies for Better Patient Flow and Cycle Time
This … levels leads to happier employees who are satisfied
with their jobs and stay longer, which leads to better … Exercise
Patient-Family Advisory Councils
Quality Improvement Savings Tracker Worksheet
Strategies for Better
August 27, 2018 - chance of cancer and heart disease
Improved skin tone
Fewer signs of premature aging, like wrinkles
January 20, 2006 - Fosters improvement in work performance
Meets the team’s and individual’s need for growth
Promotes better … Obtain an agreement: “Can we agree that would be a better way to handle such situations?”
December 01, 2019 - Removal or reduction of barriers to better
quality of care
September 01, 2015 - This helps members better interpret each
other’s statements, actions, and participation. … Productive conflict encourages better,
more-diverse thinking about a problem. … “These kinds of discussions can be uncomfortable but they also can lead to better
decisions and a better … So instead of a free-for-all, use a little light structure in
the service of better conversation. … If you can
show that you understand his/her view by accurately reflecting it back, so much the better
March 01, 2023 - health systems in 2018, AHRQ-funded researchers found that health system patients received slightly better … care on preventive and clinical performance measures, and reported experiencing better care, but incurred
March 01, 2019 - environment”
Pilot study: start local, expand statewide after grant
Showing how to do it, or how to do it better … provider-based models: behavioral health integration, improved patient compliance around well child care, better
November 01, 2018 - vital information about how they currently record data as well as ideas and suggestions about what a better … However, some EHRs are better at supporting QI and QI measurement than others.
September 01, 2020 - They can tell you how to better address the patients you serve regarding cultural appropriateness, beliefs … decision aids
Ask your patient about his or her learning preferences to help you present information better
July 01, 2022 - Top of Page
How will AHRQ make health care safer and better tomorrow? … Discovering how to better provide opioid addiction treatment services in rural communities.
August 23, 2018 - know…..8
Optional item
Over the past 6 months8, did your practice receive better … contracts (for example, better payment, preferred status) with health
plans for its performance on … period for this item:
Since [insert practice cohort’s intervention end date], did your practice receive better … contracts (for example, better payment, preferred status) with health plans for its performance
on … Strongly agree……………….….. 5
NA…………………………...….. 8
CPCQ_Strat_red_barr Removal or reduction of barriers to better
September 01, 2020 - How to use the materials to promote better patient understanding. … to offer strategies for using educational materials and explain information effectively to support better
September 01, 2021 - Understanding how context plays a role in implementation can better inform the adoption of pediatric … In order to better understand your context, see the link below to a self-study exercise on contextual … chart, which allows you to visually plot your performance data over time in a graph or chart to see and better