August 01, 2014 - A higher
proportion indicates better performance.
January 01, 2011 - researchers to become full participants in the current
national movement toward the triple aim of better … care, better population health, and more affordable
care. … Institute for
Guide Walk-Through
Walk-throughs enable providers to better … procedures for which scientific research suggests that
performing more of the procedure often leads to
better … and
failures of hospital leaders who have used concepts
of high reliability to make patient care better
June 15, 2018 - A higher proportion indicates better performance.
May 17, 2016 - Determine which pediatric patients are at increased risk for postoperative respiratory failure
to better
January 01, 2013 - Engaging in effective situation monitoring allows team members to have a
better grasp of the state of
October 12, 2022 - current process CED note a lack of transparency, problems arising from the speed of review, the need for better … We recommend that AHRQ establish appropriate outcome measures that better evaluate advance imaging and … study generates valid evidence
MITA We recommend that AHRQ establish appropriate outcome measures that better
August 27, 2014 - understand where
they are being referred or the reason for referral, tracking of referrals leads to better … Clinical
Not applicable
A higher score equals better
April 01, 2011 - initiatives, including RED (Re-engineering Discharge), the Care Transitions program, and BOOSTing (Better … hospital can be a complex process: It is not a one-time event, and no single act will make it work better … The BOOSTing (Better Outcomes for Older adults through Safe Transitions) Care Transitions project uses … positive in their perceptions of how effectively they communicate.15 Even when providers see the need for better … What was not successful and what could have been made better?
September 01, 2015 - For example, you
might use a “secret shopper” approach to better understand what a patient experiences … You may spend time in the waiting room or
observe the interaction of a care team to better understand … Removal or reduction of
barriers to better quality of
1 2 3 4 5 8
May 01, 2017 - Many places are already doing some form of a debrief, but just want to do it a little better or more … clearly, here's what they're working on and this is why it's important that, in this case, they do a better … Now, we need to decide, is this something we're satisfied with or do we want to do better than this?
May 01, 2017 - A physician leader noted, “We have to do a
better job of fitting this important quality improvement … It’s a dangerous drug that we need to be
respectful of, so having a plan and knowing it is always
better … and (3) What can the team do better next time? … 3
page of what it is, and then we have to do a better job of
quantifying blood loss.” … Hierarchical communication is almost nonexistent, and
improved communication promises to lead to better
July 01, 2019 - A higher percentage of
documentation of BMI percentile and weight classification indicates better performance … Office systems should be designed to track overweight and obese children, thus better supporting
those … collective responsibility for the availability of healthy foods and the value of physical exercise
will better … It is interesting to note that two studies reported better communication regarding the topic of
excess … If data are not available in existing data systems or would be better collected from future
data systems
January 20, 2006 - Monitoring
Slide ‹#›
Discuss the video and what went better
March 01, 2015 - (HROB VI) follows a line of research that suggests that multidisciplinary care is associated with
September 01, 2018 - States where
Medicaid and CHIP programs coordinate with each other better facilitate transitions for … If data are not available in existing data systems or would be better collected from future
data systems … States expressed that devising a metric that would provide a better snapshot across the entire
population … (5) Informed Participation performed better with regard to construct validity
(correlations and … This
suggests that IP constitutes a refinement of the metrics and is better able to reflect a State’
June 01, 2018 - States where Medicaid
and CHIP programs coordinate with each other better facilitate transitions for … addition,
an age disparity was found with access to care for younger children (4-9 years old) having better … If data are not available in existing data systems or would be better collected from future
data systems … States expressed
that devising a metric that would provide a better snapshot across the entire population … This suggests that IC
constitutes a refinement of the metrics, and that it is better able to reflect
July 01, 2004 - • Our hospital performed [better/same/worse]
than the national average in [insert year(s)].
January 01, 2016 - A higher ratio of MRI to CT scans indicates better performance, as
reflected by a smaller number of
May 01, 2017 - It is much better to have a few items on your board that you use and update daily than to have many items