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    March 01, 2008 - are worse than average, average, 9 PDI Composite Measure Workgroup Report Final March 2008 or better … In general, the composite identifies a relatively small number of providers with performance that is better … In general, the composite is better at forecasting performance on component indicators that are more … Discrimination Performance of Alternative Composites Composite Providers Better Than Average Average
  2. Icd10 V70 Faq (pdf file)
    September 01, 2017 - Additional testing is ongoing to better understand the effect of the ICD-10-CM/PCS transition on the
    March 01, 2008 - The columns show the percentage of providers that are worse than average, average, or better than average … In general, the composite identifies a large number of providers with performance that is better or worse … In general, the composite is better at forecasting performance on component indicators that are more … Discrimination Performance of Alternative Composites Composite Providers Better Than Average Average … In general, the composite is better at forecasting performance on component indicators that are more
    January 01, 2006 - Medicaid Services launch the Pay for Performance (P4P) Program that will reward hospitals that perform better … Hospital Diversion ED Diversion, better named hospital diversion, is an occurrence communicated to the
    January 01, 2015 - In addition, they've been able to pass that improved value, again, better quality at a lower cost, … facilities consisting of physicians, nurses, and folks from the education department, to say, "What's the better … But they all have been able to show improvement, which positions them better in terms of being a higher-quality
  6. PROJECT NAME (pdf file)
    April 07, 2006 - However, the Workgroup felt that initially it would be better to look at the relationships with these … In the preparation of the NHQR and NHDR, AHRQ has developed better datasets for reporting disparities … measures in the composite be evenly weighted under the rationale that an evenly weighted composite might better
    March 01, 2008 - The columns show the percentage of providers that are worse than average, average, or better than average … In general, however, both composites identify a large number of providers with performance that is better … In general, the composite is better at forecasting performance on component indicators that are more … Discrimination Performance of Alternative Composites Composite Providers Better Than Average Average
  8. Document (pdf file)
    January 01, 2006 - obligatory laboratory analysis or inclusion of nominated chemicals in the ‘‘Report,’’ but rather serve to better
    January 01, 2016 - You will notice that we have tried to reorganize the user interface to better utilize the screen real … Improved horizontal progress bars provide you a better sense of progress on a process. … But at any rate, we went through and did some more exclusions to better align it by what we mean by
    January 01, 2012 - He recommended revising the literature reviews to include person-centered terminology that better fits … A broader category may be better than focusing specifically on prosthesis use alone. … A broader category may be better than focusing specifically on prosthesis use alone.
    January 13, 2004 - San Francisco and Stanford University to help individual hospitals use their own discharge data to better … local hospitals and their communities use data right now to evaluate performance and ultimately provide better
  12. C.16.6.D004 (pdf file)
    May 20, 2013 - The definitions of Newborn and Outborn were revised in WinQI to better align them with SAS.
    October 01, 2014 - concept that does not fit with the original intent, or an unnecessary component of a cluster that is better
    September 30, 2020 - exclusion code 49122 OBS CHR BRONC W(AC) BRONC V4.5a July 2014 All PQIs Software (SAS, V4.5a) To better … V4.5a July 2014 All PQIs Software (SAS, V4.5a) To improve the output of results in a better format, PROCMEANS … The definitions of Newborn and Outborn were revised in WinQI to better align them with SAS. … 49122 OBS CHR BRONC W(AC) BRONC V4.5a V4.5a July 2014 All PQIs Software (SAS, V4.5a) To better … The definitions of Newborn and Outborn were revised in WinQI to better align them with SAS.
    September 30, 2021 - exclusion code 49122 OBS CHR BRONC W(AC) BRONC V4.5a July 2014 All PQIs Software (SAS, V4.5a) To better … V4.5a July 2014 All PQIs Software (SAS, V4.5a) To improve the output of results in a better format, PROC … The definitions of Newborn and Outborn were revised in WinQI to better align them with SAS.
    January 01, 2011 - Available Data and Methodological Advances Time line: Throughout task Measurement creates demand for better
  17. I (pdf file)
    June 30, 2009 - preclude use in comparative reporting, but these indicators would be stronger if highlighted issues are better … preclude use in comparative reporting, but these indicators would be stronger if highlighted issues are better … such as control of blood loss and perioperative beta adrenergic blockade, have been associated with betterBetter processes of care have also been associated with lower hospital level 30-day mortality rates
    January 01, 2013 - Mapped code is an unnecessary component of a cluster that is better captured by other code(s).
    January 01, 2011 - Available Data and Methodological Advances Time line: Throughout task Measurement creates demand for better … Available Data and Methodological Advances Time line: Throughout task Measurement creates demand for better … Are there ways that areas/organizations could easily appear to better their performance on this indicator
    January 01, 2005 - coordination and access to care in an outpatient setting Hospitalization may have been preventable with better

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