November 01, 2017 - January 15, 2020
Clues to better health care from old malpractice lawsuits. … October 24, 2018
A better safety net for young doctors. … September 20, 2017
At the hospital, better responses to those beeping alarms. … October 9, 2013
Why doesn't medical care get better when doctors rest more?
May 04, 2015 - sheet provides information regarding the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' initiative to
March 07, 2012 - reducing-latent-errors-drift-errors-and-stakeholder-dissonance
August 15, 2012 - patient-data-outage-exposes-risks-electronic-medical-records
September 11, 2009 - authors advocate for a method of detecting adverse events and evaluating their clinical significance to
August 26, 2011 - -rights-framework-patient-care-quality-and-safety
The authors describe a framework to help leaders better
January 14, 2011 - environment that can affect nurses' ability to provide safe care and
suggest reforms necessary to better
February 10, 2010 - psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/office-based-anesthesia
January 04, 2012 - , from
improved processing of medication, laboratory, radiology, and public health information, to better
May 01, 2012 - makes it easier to make a strong case that we need to start focusing on all-
cause harm and create better … It's time to move on to much better safety detection systems because that's the only way we know
if … RW: So, is the issue with reliability partly that a hospital with a better health IT system might actually … RW: When you say better health IT systems are wired to do this work, do you get out of the chart review … Now that we have a better lens, it will alter
our perception of how we're doing.
September 05, 2012 - Building a Better Safety Net. doi:10.1097/aog.0b013e318260957c.
June 30, 2011 - psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/first-do-no-harm-lost-concept-medical-education
This commentary advocates for better
November 20, 2013 - improving-patient-family-and-clinician-experience-after-harmful-events-when-things-go-wrong
January 13, 2010 - effects-stress-and-coping-surgical-performance-during-simulations
Surgeons who experienced less stress and had higher coping skills performed better
July 13, 2010 - July 11, 2007
Exploring system features of primary care practices that promote better … February 23, 2011
Active learning: when is more better?
July 12, 2016 - July 12, 2016
Health IT and Patient Safety: Building Safer Systems for Better Care. … June 16, 2011
Building a Better Delivery System: A New Engineering/Health Care Partnership
November 01, 2012 - spot and diagnose simple things and use technology to
answer a second level of questioning or get a better … test or
ask a better question of the test. … Or from my own house staff saying they have better things to do. … And
what better way to justify them than to have some skill at the bedside where you can take a history … Fast knowledge implies that
more data is better than less data.
April 01, 2014 - disciplines—physicians, nursing, pharmacy—and also bring in
patients and industry to try to develop better … readmissions, complications, and following test
results and referrals, it is going to actually provide better … tools for shared decision making, better tools for disclosure around medical
error, etc. … Having better programs to measure is important but also
having real intervention tools to try to get … advocacy and working with all of these organizations to try to create a set
of policies that work better
February 01, 2016 - I think their diagnoses will be better. … and
realize, if I do the labs before the patient's visit I actually save a lot of time and have a better … harness smartphone apps, support
groups online, and support groups in person to help patients take better … But
overall I'm optimistic that the more we engage patients as our partners in care, the better we will … However, the optimistic side of me says there is nothing better than being a
December 01, 2006 - We have to facilitate the efforts of very busy
clinicians to better utilize independent and diverse … has six distinct dimensions, but within the
safety climate dimension, certain items are consistently better … give people better clinical ways of doing
things, and make it easier to deliver evidence-based medicine … But we all need to do a better job of treating
patient safety as a science, looking at the individual … The more there are these
evidentiary links, the better opportunity that this actually will have staying