April 24, 2018 - Reading what patients say can
help doctors and their staff better understand what is happening when … their patients
seek and receive care and what they can do to provide a better experience. … ”
- “We carefully review your answers and comments along with others so
we can provider better care … a two-fold increase in Web site traffic.7
The CAHPS team is conducting research to identify and better … whether
tagging patient narratives with short labels to indicate their content helps consumers
to better
December 01, 2022 - assurance that they deserve to be in the category where you have placed them, and not in some other (better
November 01, 2018 - negative attitudes and beliefs that can influence how an audience will respond to your report, you will be better
August 01, 2021 - As policy makers design social programs, they must better integrate the social programs with health to
March 01, 2021 - Strategies to Better Manage Lipids—Statin Pearls
This slide deck and transcript of a 20-minute video
December 01, 2018 - Professional and experienced vendors can usually provide you with better quality data at a lower cost
July 01, 2021 - The timing could not be better for AHRQ to welcome a new director of NCEPCR, Dr.
January 01, 2021 - Re-Engineered Discharge),
• STAAR (STate Action on Avoidable Readmission), and
• Project BOOST (Better … technical expert panel (TEP; Table 1) to provide advice on how to develop a
conceptual framework to better … behavioral factors may contribute to readmissions
and assessing the patient’s perspective facilitates a better … received postdischarge, including
followup phone call or visit
• Issues or recommendations to inform
April 01, 2006 - estimates for asthma care costs from your State health department or Medicaid program office that are better … Note on the last two measures, a lower value is better. … Write the differences below; check off measures for which your State is performing better than State … Measure
State A (%)
Your State minus State A (points different)
Better than State A
State B (%) … Your State minus State B (points different)
Better than State B
Planned/routine care for asthma
January 01, 2018 - The survey, conducted last spring through the
Epocrates app, aimed to better understand more than 2,000
September 18, 2014 - Better strategies are needed to help physicians discuss the balance of benefits and harms of preventive
September 01, 2013 - Being aware of what patients face when they are in the hospital can help clinicians and hospital staff better … These informal thought-sharing activities will help hospital staff gain a better understanding of the … involved in their care, they will be more likely to follow their treatment plans and may experience better
August 01, 2017 - strategies for putting patients at the center of care and how to adapt TeamSTEPPS tools for patient use to better
January 01, 2021 - CHSP Initiative advanced knowledge by investing in enduring resources and foundational
analyses to better … adoption of
evidence-based practices and better outcomes. … The team’s goal was to understand whether the strategies promote better
integrated care and to determine … • Does being part of a health system matter (i.e., is quality of care and total cost of care
better/worse … To better enable users to analyze health systems, the Compendium database includes two
analytic files
May 15, 2020 - Note: For this measure, lower percentages are better. … Note: For this measure, lower percentages are better. … • Asians performed better than Whites on 28% of quality measures and NHPIs Asians
performed better … Note: For this measure, lower rates are better. … Note: For this measure, lower rates are better.
January 05, 2015 - knowledge of the choices offered, reminding them that
clinicians do not always know which option is better
August 01, 2018 - Redesigning a health care system in order to better coordinate patients' care is important for the following
July 01, 2015 - Practice change toward better adherence to evidence-based treatment of early dental decay in the National … The study team hopes the research will provide a better understanding of how
patient expectations affect … Practice change toward better adherence to evidence-based
treatment of early dental decay in the National
July 01, 2023 - To better understand the challenges and impacts of navigating our fragmented healthcare system, view
September 10, 2015 - Make better use of models/frameworks
Outlined in Tabak et al., proliferation of models:
61 reviewed … Make better use of models/frameworks
3. Design for dissemination (D4D)