April 03, 2018 - � What could have been done better?
� Was anything missing? … � What could have been done better?
� Was anything missing? … � What could have been done better?
� Was anything missing?
April 01, 2016 - Huge declines in CVD death in the past 20 years (more than 50%)
Declines are due to a combination of
Better … acute care (e.g. for heart attack and stroke)
Better treatment of cardiovascular risk
Secondary prevention
December 01, 2015 - Lurie Children’s Hospital used the improvement process laid out in the Pediatric QI Toolkit to
gain a better … The physicians
and other staff are also better able to successfully coordinate biopsies, imaging, and
January 01, 2012 - practices, when they
switched over to EHR and actually had it up and functioning, that they had much better … clinicians can communicate the value to patients in terms of being able to help them, help
patients better … manage their care and better coordinate their care. … the systems
changes that they need to make or the practice-based changes that they need to make to better
March 01, 2024 - kind of research brings knowledge to the front lines of care faster by helping clinicians and staff better
June 01, 2015 - Solution
Improve customer
Ideal systems
Make staff lives
Solution … The idea in each case is to better understand the process and how it works or does not work. … Since two sets of eyes are usually better than one, ask a second
person to play the role of family … Determine what makes them so much better at this than their
competitors. … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
March 01, 2024 - reflects on this journey, emphasizing, "Our vision at AHRQ is to shape the future of healthcare, ensuring better
March 01, 2024 - focused research and tools such as:
Ten Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence are working to better
April 01, 2016 - "Increasing patient literacy is key to lowering readmissions and providing better care."
March 01, 2020 - greater percent of clinic-visit time to patient education, leading to increased patient knowledge, better … To help physicians better understand the process of behavioral change, some medical groups and health
April 01, 2023 - this intervention has found:
Consumer participation can increase patient satisfaction and lead to better … health outcomes. 4-6
Patients who are empowered to make decisions about their health that better reflect
June 01, 2015 - Solution
Improve customer
Ideal systems
Make staff lives
Solution … The idea in each case is to better understand the process and how it works or does not work. … Since two sets of eyes are usually better than one, ask a second
person to play the role of family … Determine what makes them so much better at this than their
competitors. … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
June 01, 2015 - Solution
Improve customer
Ideal systems
Make staff lives
Solution … The idea in each case is to better understand the process and how it works or does not work. … Since two sets of eyes are usually better than one, ask a second
person to play the role of family … Determine what makes them so much better at this than their
competitors. … For most audiences, data is
better used as a way to back up a claim demonstrated by an anecdote.
April 01, 2014 - They can tell you how to better address the patients
you serve regarding cultural appropriateness, beliefs … decision aids
› Ask your patient about his or her learning preferences to help you present information better
January 01, 2023 - Labels
Why Quality Measure Matters
What a Plan or Provider Can Do
Is High or Low Score Better
February 01, 2023 - They also strive to make healthcare delivery organizations better places to work.
April 01, 2023 - represents a vital step forward in the journey toward improved workforce satisfaction and, ultimately, better
September 01, 2022 - Captures an “all-cause harm” measurement that hospitals and clinicians can use to better target and measure
February 05, 2021 - Better Health Partnerships
Better Health
Other … Better Outcomes through Research for Newborns
Pediatric … Building Investigative Practices for Better Health Outcomes Research Network
May 01, 2017 - focus your quality improvement efforts and make the case that the teams in your facility can do even better … Debriefings let the clinical team pause and discuss what went well or what could have been done better … Lastly, there should be a discussion of how the team could provide even better care in the next case. … Make sure there are not better ways to address the items you are considering including in your checklist … Escalating speech is better received than “STOP” when something is of concern.