July 13, 2015 - community programs / The
Promoting Health Project (PHP), and
Helping students with disabilities
better … term=Helping+students+with+disabilities+better+address+teasing+and+bullying+situations%3A+A+MASNRN+study … term=Helping+students+with+disabilities+better+address+teasing+and+bullying+situations%3A+A+MASNRN+study … term=Helping+students+with+disabilities+better+address+teasing+and+bullying+situations%3A+A+MASNRN+study … Health Greater Cleveland (Better Health)
Location: Ohio (With 69
April 01, 2022 - It’s time to build a better OR. … Building a better operating room: views from surgery and architecture . … Building a better operating room: views from surgery and architecture .
July 01, 2023 - This TeamSTEPPS technique, part of a proven teamwork system, promotes better communication and collaboration
November 01, 2022 - aspects of learning health care delivery organizations and practices that are necessary to achieve better
March 12, 2015 - specialties) Mission Statement: To empower health care professionals, patients, and the public with better
August 10, 2015 - enhancing patient outcomes through modified disease management parameters with the goal of achieving better
March 01, 2021 - Videos Tell the Story
Building Better
July 01, 2023 - how well the Narrative Elicitation Protocol performs outside of the restrictions of an experiment and better … The five-question protocol performed substantially better at capturing patient experiences than a shorter
Health Systems
CHSP Publications
Reports for the CHSP include resources for better
January 01, 2012 - communication with nurses, communication with doctors, pain management, and staff responsiveness.15
Better … more than 2,000 patients in which 41 percent indicated they would be willing to switch hospitals for a better … change-of-shift report increased both nurse and physician satisfaction, as assessed with a staff survey.22-24
Better … A better hospital experience. McKinsey Quarterly.
21. McCarthy D.
April 01, 2021 - Coaching care teams on ways to identify high-risk patients to better target evidence-based preventive … outcomes research to primary care practices and how to assist practices in using this research to deliver better
May 01, 2019 - the design, the visuals (such as photos or graphs), a web page, or the copy to see if they like one better … Some testing is almost always better than none at all.
September 01, 2019 - But most of the time, some units in a hospital perform much better than others. … This approach works better if users can look at the individual measures as well as the summary score,
January 01, 2012 - Ultimately, we believe such partnerships can speed the development of practice-based evidence that supports better
August 01, 2021 - Quality (AHRQ) created the Health Care Innovations Exchange to speed the implementation of new and better
September 01, 2023 - See how this TeamSTEPPS technique, used in labor and delivery settings, can help improve promote better … This TeamSTEPPS technique, part of a proven teamwork system, promotes better communication and collaboration
March 01, 2010 - : Paper Chain
On the next slide, you will see a video of a team using the “Paper Chain” activity to better … Module 1: Introduction
You will be viewing a video of a team using the “Paper Chain” activity to better … Better continuity of care, access to care, and patient satisfaction
Stevenson K, Baker R, Farooqi A, … Research by Stevenson and colleagues indicates that teamwork leads to better continuity of patient care … , better access to care, and greater patient satisfaction.
September 01, 2021 - Western Reserve
University/The MetroHealth System
Cooperative Partners:
American Heart Association
Better … intervention and considering
and incorporating everyone’s knowledge, resources, and
contributions to achieve better
August 10, 2015 - practice of medicine; evaluate innovations to provide the best healthcare for patients; understand how to better
November 01, 2023 - To better understand the health-related financial burden on American residents, Didem M.