May 19, 2013 - – Did you think there were things we could have done
better or differently?
March 01, 2016 - It convened focus groups to better understand what information people need to support decisions about
July 01, 2018 - What could the individuals involved in this scenario have done differently to produce a better outcome
March 01, 2014 - treatment recommendations; improved health behaviors and health outcomes; improved quality of decisions; better
August 01, 2010 - After implementing
bedside shift report, nurses have reported a better ability to prioritize their work … earlier, nurses conducting bedside shift report have reported less time
spent on shift report and better … Nurses at all three hospitals reported improved
relationships and better information sharing with patients … Nurses also reported
that bedside shift report improved accountability between nurses and led to
July 01, 2018 - More comprehensive diabetes education programs are linked to better diabetes care. … They also found that more comprehensive programs were associated with better quality diabetes care. … link service data, pharmacy cost data, and health status measures to allow for CER to assist IHS in better
March 01, 2024 - implementation, you will often go back and adjust something and want to test
whether the change you made is better … This process worked
What did you conclude from this cycle?
January 01, 2017 - My main provider then called to see if everything
was going better.
August 03, 2020 - • It may be better than an office-based
history to the extent that other family
members can be involved … Diagnostic Safety • Safety may be enhanced by improved
access, a better sense of the patient’s
home environment
December 01, 2005 - One thing that we worked with here is we looked at standardizing our hand-off process to make it better … in-person hand-offs allow you to see the nonverbal communication between you and the receiver, for better … change (showing responsibility)
Discussed the evolving patient condition
Sharing of information for better … They discussed the evolving patient condition, and there was sharing of information for better decision
August 01, 2022 - These all have a direct impact on
cognition and will shape clinical reasoning, for better or worse.17 … Bringing nurses and physicians together:
• Fosters teamwork.
• Better integrates disparate
workflows … Understanding the social in diagnosis and error: a family of theories known
as situativity to better
October 01, 2017 - Ob team stat: developing a better L&D rapid response team.
April 01, 2014 - � Train staff to better serve patients who have communication barriers.
May 12, 2016 - these items from trusted
mid-level managers, since they may bring alternative viewpoints and may have better
March 09, 2007 - By participating in this survey, you will help us develop better ways of assessing nursing home quality
June 27, 2014 - these items from trusted mid-level managers, since they may bring alternative viewpoints and may have better
January 01, 2018 - The word goes out:
Increased signups
Canceled more sessions to better fill classes
Added sessions as
January 01, 2014 - team (Dunst et al., 2007)
Including patients and their family members in the care team should:
Yield better
November 02, 2018 - It also includes continuous monitoring of the situation to better anticipate team member's needs and … A better hand-off from recovery to floor nurse.
March 01, 2017 - Anticipating financial resources needed to maintain improvements after the project ends allows you to be better … to manage skepticism, leaders and champions could present ongoing evidence that the new process is better