The more details you can give about your problem, the better your doctor will be able to help you.
December 01, 2019 - Purpose
To better understand how health-systems identify and use evidence and how EPC reports could … full reports, but to include key messages (or hyperlinks to key messages) so that potential users can better … assess the relevance of their report to their decisionmaking and better triage the findings internally
October 17, 2023 - Each study
answers scientific questions and tries to find better ways to prevent, screen for, diagnose
December 14, 2012 - PublicSeidenfeld
Findings P 7 GQ1 Currently
Probably better to say "As of xx/xx/201x..." here, using … The results
demonstrate that ColoPrint is better than clinical factors and MSI status to
separate low … #11 PR Findings P. 16 Sentence starting on line 28, would read better if the first "possibility" … ColoPrint better
distinguishes low and high risk groups as compared to risk assessment
using current … ColoPrint better
distinguishes low and high risk groups as compared to risk assessment
using current
They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment and cure are better.
Most people get better in two to four weeks.
September 13, 2012 - This can lead people to use alcohol or drugs that make them feel better temporarily.
They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment are better.
Many gallbladder problems get better with removal of the gallbladder.
August 01, 2015 - New radiation therapy machines let doctors better focus the beams
on your tumor and lessen the radiation … Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3DCRT):
With 3DCRT, three-dimensional (3D) images help the doctor
better … Also, patients
treated with IMRT had a better quality of life related to dry mouth
when compared with
April 01, 2016 - when com-
pared with the no early imaging group,
reported lower leg pain intensity at 6
months and better … adults with a new or index primary care visit for back
pain, early imaging was not associated with better … imaging within the first 6 weeks of initially seeing
a health care provider for this problem results in better
October 23, 2012 - TEP Reviewer
ES-14, line 10: Can applicability be better discussed? … This could be better
referenced. … There is also a belief that we are making things
better, but we have no evidence to prove this. … However, there is an emphasis on
what is the better setting: NF or AL/RC. … I would maintain that a good AL/RC is always
better over a bad NF and just the opposite.
January 06, 2017 - I think that both
PCOR and CBPR are saying that there would be evidence if we asked better questions … SHALOWITZ: Asking better questions, PCOR is looking to incorporate things like preserving
employment … , being able to care for children, being able to function on a day to day basis as
better questions … I think that that will help us to produce better research. … Are we better at recognizing the way to involve communities?
October 10, 2018 - If you have a cold or the flu, antihistamines may work better than non-prescription cough medicines
November 01, 2020 - The therapist helps you learn skills to become more mindful (focused on the present moment), to better … control your emotions, and to cope better with distress. … The therapist can help you learn how to cope better with these negative feelings. … Management of Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Youth
Nov 30, 2022
Supporting Better
January 01, 2013 - ONH was better at discriminating
preperimetric from normal eyes. … SD-OCT had
only 28% sensitivity among early
patients: therefore TD-OCT better for
Optic … RFNL
Macular hemifield
test showed better
performance than
average cRFNL
measurements … Stratus
(TD) OCT had
better specificity
and PPV than Cirrus
SD-OCT. … Sensitivity, and
therefore early
detection, was better
with Cirrus.
With or without treatment, most people begin to get better within 2 weeks and recover completely within
Most people feel better as soon as they remove the source of the pollution.
Mild cases usually get better without treatment.
Most people with crypto get better without treatment within one to two weeks.