May 04, 2015 - It’s helpful for better definition of the problem,
stress on need for better definition/study and the … We need better assessment tools,
That's one area of research that can be recommended. … We report the
data and attempt not to suggest that
objective outcomes are better in this
case. … I concur that we need
better standardization for classifying tongue tie, and we
need much better information … Perhaps better stating: “...improvements in speech
articulation but mixed results related to overall
March 29, 2016 - Adding a table summarizing
key finding of the initial report (2011) may help
the reader better place … Conversely, toxin assays in general
have specificity >98% and much better positive
predictive value … We had addressed in the
research gaps section the need to
better understand the role of the
human … Perhaps
the summary/ conclusions/ comments box could
be used better. … TEP Reviewer #2 Discussion There are numerous subgroup analyses which
are needed to better guide CDI
June 05, 2013 - Better
also to say that there are other behavioural approaches used
besides just CBT (which would be … The
statement regarding “…significant changes in hormones and
neurosignals…” might be better stated … We have replaced “better” with “improved.” … Less is better I
would strongly recommend removing the section on BPD. … Peer Reviewer 5 Results Better labelling of some of the tables is required We have updated the tables
September 21, 2022 - B:
Perception of global improvement better or much better: OR 8.00, 95% CI 2.88 to 22.05 day 0; OR 2.01 … and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score- Activities of Daily Living (mean [SD], 0 to 100 scale, higher score=better … Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score- knee related QOL (mean [SD], 0 to 100 scale, higher score=better
December 01, 2019 - time-continuous glucose monitoring [rt-CGM] vs. self-monitoring of blood glucose [SMBG]) results in better
January 01, 2013 - However, it may be that CHr and %HYPO have better predictive ability for a
response to intravenous ( … therefore better managed anemia. … However, it may be that CHr and %HYPO have better predictive ability for a response to
intravenous ( … o %HYPO has similar or better overall test accuracy compared with
TSAT, and better overall test accuracy … The %HYPO of red blood cells had a similar or better
overall test accuracy compared with TSAT, and better
October 01, 2007 - works in reality).3 Further,
information on comparative drug effectiveness (ie, whether
the drug works better … is to optimize the
use of pharmaceuticals by improving patient safety and in-
forming practice with better … Our success
in meeting these challenges will facilitate improved risk
management, better patient safety
January 01, 2007 - and long-term
effects as well as the adverse effects of these
medications, clinicians might have a better … Furthermore, it
may help policymakers and insurers to have better
insight when deciding on policies relating … In each column of
the summary table, we indicate the medication that had
a better effect on the listed … Combination therapies had an additive effect
and were better at reducing HbA1c compared with
monotherapy … studies should examine effects of
medications on glycemic variability using
standardized methods to better
June 01, 2012 - specific medications; some research suggests that loss
of consciousness and post-traumatic amnesia may better … the
content of the interventions appeared to improve over
time (i.e., more recent studies provided better … A similar situation occurred in the Vanderploeg study,
in which certain patient subgroups fared better … This would enable
researchers to better define impairment domains and levels
of impairment, which is … The Patient-Centered Outcomes
Research Institute--promoting better information, decisions,
and health
October 31, 2012 - Someone with a lung disease may get pulmonary rehabilitation to be able to breathe better and improve
October 08, 2014 - Someone with a lung disease may get pulmonary rehabilitation to be able to breathe better and improve
May 01, 2023 - These include the need for consultants to better understand the rural context; regional initiatives that … Telehealth studies report better patient outcomes in some clinical scenarios (e.g., outpatient care for
January 01, 2013 - nominator asserts that a product on the nominated topic
could support clinical guidelines and provide a better
January 01, 2008 - What other modalities of treatment, including weight loss, surgery, and oral
appliances, would be better
April 01, 2018 - .
Reviewer #2
Results Pg 12 Results: I would have to understand the methodology better … measures, the tables do indicate in some cases
if a study was "pediatric" or "elderly" It may be better … Peer
Reviewer #3
Results Pediatric and older individual section
To better address the sub questions … These two extremes of age
need some intentional research to better define need for transfer to
trauma … source documents Thank you, we have noted in the
discussion the need for future
research to provide better
December 01, 1969 - therapeutic efficacy (E-2), the change in therapy planning; and outcome efficacy (E-3): Was the patient better … performed once a technology has gained marketing approval; these studies address long-term safety and better … in disease for which there is no clinical reference standard or when the new test is thought to be better … much net gain from testing there will be for the patient in terms of improved treatment decisions and better … Why we need better test evaluations. Clin Chem 1982;28:1272-1276.
Sackett DL, Haynes RB.
January 01, 2009 - therapeutic efficacy (E-2), the change in therapy planning; and outcome efficacy (E-
3): Was the patient better … performed once a technology has gained marketing approval; these studies address long-term
safety and better … in disease for which there is no clinical reference standard or when the
new test is thought to be better … much net gain from testing there will be for the patient in terms of
improved treatment decisions and better … Why we need
better test evaluations. Clin Chem
24. Sackett DL, Haynes RB.
September 01, 2008 - lowering profile that more closely mimics the
physiology of a person without diabetes, thus providing
better … Clinicians may be better able to choose the
most effective therapy for their patients with diabetes if … • Clinical outcomes need to be studied in order to
better evaluate the safety of premixed insulin
analogues … Postprandial glucose
Long-acting insulin High Premixed insulin analogues are better than long-acting … insulin
analogues (basal-bolus
Premixed human insulin High Premixed insulin analogues are better
January 01, 2009 - therapeutic efficacy (E-2), the change in therapy planning; and outcome efficacy (E-
3): Was the patient better … performed once a technology has gained marketing approval; these studies address long-term
safety and better … in disease for which there is no clinical reference standard or when the
new test is thought to be better … much net gain from testing there will be for the patient in terms of
improved treatment decisions and better … Why we need
better test evaluations. Clin Chem
24. Sackett DL, Haynes RB.
November 01, 2020 - behavioral programs, mainly diabetes self-management education programs, helped people with type 1 diabetes better … level is within a healthy range, you are likely to:
Feel less tired and have more energy
Heal better