September 01, 2008 - Patients may be very satisfied by virtue of the fact that
they achieve better glycemic control and … The premixed insulins are clearly better than NPH (? bid) alone. … than use of human (regular) insulin in a premixed preparationm and better than long acting analogs. … Perhaps what is needed is more and better post market surveillance
by the FDA. … which one is better, after proper control for frequency of hypoglycemic
October 01, 2014 - Statement suggests the evidence is better than it appears. … It is possible that these patients would be better
managed by FDG PET (without diagnostic CT) or by … In order to better direct the optimal use of imaging, physician
societies and other provider groups … In addition, some diagnostics tests are
synergistic and are ordered to better evaluate findings from … Advanced electronics in data acquisition systems result in better
imaging performance and less noise
November 01, 2012 - insufficient evidence for the HCBS versus NH comparison; this study found that
HCBS recipients had better … Addressing these issues will enable
better analyses and help consumers and policymakers
make informed … More and better research
is needed to draw robust conclusions about how setting
influences outcomes … indeterminate for
HCBS recipients versus NH residents
• Possible ceiling and/or floor effects
• Better … adjustment for case mix differences
• Better analyses to examine floor and ceiling effects
June 15, 2012 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
June 01, 2013 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
May 01, 2015 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
July 12, 2011 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
November 14, 2017 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
November 14, 2017 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
June 27, 2019 - In addition, hospitals and health systems would like to be able to offer better access to care,
March 01, 2020 - Respondents perceived MAGICapp as the better choice for multidisciplinary groups or decision makers less … To better understand the actual time required, the data storage needs, implications for EPCs and learning
October 01, 2021 - Patient Factors Affecting Benefits and Harms
In patients with incomplete spinal cord injury, having better … function and more recent
injury at baseline was associated with better response to aerobic interventions
January 01, 2023 - Patients who
received an initial telehealth visit may have had better patient-reported outcomes and … achieve comparable clinical or
process outcomes; in some specific contexts, telehealth outcomes were better
December 01, 2019 - incontinence in adults was low or insufficient, suggesting that future studies of higher quality that comply better … Longer term information on benefits and adverse effects would better inform clinical decisions for managing … Better comparisons of the benefit-to-harm ratios of fecal incontinence treatments are needed, especially
January 01, 2011 - Since concordance cannot tell us which test is better and
which is worse—both may be equally bad or … Data suggest that %HYPO (with cutoff values
of >6 percent or >10 percent) has a better sensitivity and … We found that there is a low level of
evidence that both CHr and %HYPO have a similar
or better overall … – %HYPO has similar or better overall test accuracy compared with TSAT, and
better overall … Data suggest that %HYPO (with cutoff values of >6% or
>10%) has a better sensitivity and specificity
September 03, 2019 - Evidence Graph
for intervention
All active treatments appear to be better
August 01, 2019 - If the difference is positive (A is better than B), one counts this as a success. … For example, if there were three blocked comparisons and in each A was better than B, the probability … This is then a (one-sided) p-value for testing whether A was better than B. … The overall effect of the picture is that B may be better than A, but that this efficacy wears off over … The right answer (discernible through use of appropriate statistical analysis) is that B is better than
July 08, 2014 - It underscores the
fundamental need for better characterization of the
population being treated and … However, there are others who feel that this
evidence is better than no evidence so we include it here … Better
research may lead to Improved outcomes for pregnant and
postpartum women. … Better
research may lead to Improved outcomes for pregnant and
postpartum women. … I think the real
policy this report influences is the need for better research,
registries, and how
February 01, 2013 - The duration of
examined PT interventions was not consistently associated with better intermediate … (especially dosage) and how they
influence effectiveness would better inform decisionmaking. … Additionally, a better understanding of how PT treatments are
defined is essential to understanding … Recruitment that includes sufficient
numbers of patients in select subgroups allows sample to better … (especially dosage) and how they
influence effectiveness would better inform decisionmaking.
December 14, 2017 - Heavy menstrual bleeding is better
as it is clearer. … Better to
use percentage change in volume. … REST and EMMY are exceptions and receive additional attention
precisely because they provide better … Is it possible that fibroids have a
different clinical course (e.g., better outcomes) in parous vs. … We have added additional detail to better illustrate the considerations:
"Ovarian failure, measured