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    May 01, 2024 - o Therefore, efforts must be focused on making the CDSS work better within the specific organizational … o The TEP’s primary recommendations for future research were studies with stronger designs and better … o The TEP’s primary future research recommendations focused on better study designs, longer followup … o The TEP’s primary recommendations for future research were studies with stronger designs, better … Implementation studies are needed to better understand how to efficiently integrate.
    February 01, 2018 - Core illness symptoms were better with olanzapine and risperidone than asenapine, quetiapine, and ziprasidone … of function, quality of life, mortality, and overall adverse events, except that risperidone LAI had better
    May 01, 2016 - �� The therapist helps you learn skills to become more mindful (focused on the present moment), to better … control your emotions, and to cope better with distress. �� DBT usually involves meeting with a therapist … cause negative feelings that may lead to binge eating. �� The therapist can help you learn how to cope better
    May 01, 2012 - pairs was as good as or better than it was for individual independent reviewers. … When evidence was limited to RCT studies, better SOE grades of moderate or high were related to RCT … Results Overall, the level of agreement for domain scores was generally better across reviewers in … The pattern of reconciliation to better or worse final strength of evidence grades was not generally … That is, they were reconciled to be ―better‖ or ―worse‖ in no obvious pattern.
    November 01, 2017 - CT, when compared with the no early imaging group, reported lower leg pain intensity at 6 months and better … adults with a new or index primary care visit for back pain, early imaging was not associated with better … imaging within the first 6 weeks of initially seeing a health care provider for this problem results in better
    November 20, 2014 - A better term would be “flexible endoscopes” Thank you for noticing this error. … than B and B is better than C, then A is better than C) using data from other studies. … The conclusion that MRI is better than CT for preoperative detection of colorectal liver metastases … The conclusion that MRI is better than CT for preoperative detection of colorectal liver metastases … Ultrasound is better at distinguishing between early T-stage extent, while MRI is better at determining
    January 01, 2016 - programs, mainly diabetes self-management education programs, helped people with type 1 diabetes better … level is within a healthy range, you are likely to: » Feel less tired and have more energy. » Heal better
    November 01, 2016 - level is within a healthy range, you are likely to: » Feel less tired and have more energy. » Heal better … support after the program ended. »» Behavioral programs that had some in-person meetings worked better
  9. PATIENTSLIKEME (pdf file)
    January 06, 2017 - Or in -- and because of that they can manage their condition better. … A lot of these people, because they understand the side effects of their medication better, they understand … some cases, emotional lability in others, are more adherent to their medication because they're better … We do -- we're still learning how to do research better.
  10. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - Survival was significantly better after PCI in patients with single-vessel disease that did not involve … In the EAST trial, for example, the 59 patients with treated diabetes had slightly better survival in … the PCI arm at 3 years, equivalent survival at 5 years, and slightly better survival in the CABG arm … - The BARI trial found significantly better survival for patients with diabetes assigned to CABG (5 … - Survival at 5 years was significantly better after CABG in balloon-era trials, but there was no
    December 01, 2019 - Specifically, judges suggested better differentiation between the access point for patients and that … They also noted that once beyond the home page, navigation through the actual content could be better … Potential enhancements: Organization: The evidence-based care information on the resource could be better
    October 13, 2021 - and Suggestions for Future Research section of the report that discusses the need for trials that better … In addition, a better term would be “imaging” measures because the approaches in use include DEXA, … Thus, readers can better understand the context of these measures. … We revised the text describing the search strategy to better fit the current reporting guidelines. … It can be foreseen that continuous R&D activities will fine-tune diagnostic procedures and be better
    December 01, 2019 - purpose is to conduct horizon scanning of emerging health care technologies and innovations in order to better
    March 29, 2011 - Someone with a lung disease may get pulmonary rehabilitation to be able to breathe better and improve
    November 09, 2009 - Some facilities do a better job than others.
    May 30, 2017 - It is important to finish your medicine even if you feel better.
    January 20, 2015 - Often, two or more medicines work better than one.
    January 02, 2020 - Some types of pain respond better to certain medicines than others.
    November 03, 2021 - Someone with a lung disease may get pulmonary rehabilitation to be able to breathe better and improve
    November 03, 2021 - Someone with a lung disease may get pulmonary rehabilitation to be able to breathe better and improve

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