October 22, 2012 - Most people with the flu get better on their own. But it can be serious.
Most people feel better within a week. In some cases, however, the joint pain may last for months.
April 01, 2013 - OnabotulinumtoxinA was better than placebo in reducing monthly migraine attack by 50
percent or more … , but not better than placebo in reducing monthly migraine
attacks 50 percent or more. … The ACE inhibitor lisinopril was better than placebo
in reducing migraine days and migraine severity … In contrast, ARB telmisartan was not better than placebo in reducing monthly
migraine attacks by 50 … but not better than placebo in reducing monthly migraine
attacks by 50 percent or more.
January 01, 2024 - Alpaca, an open-source generation model, can match ChatGPT’s in some cases, ChatGPT generally produces better … Alpaca, an open-source generation model, can match ChatGPT’s in some cases, ChatGPT generally produces better … NR NA N 1 mean (95% CI) 0.985 0.876 0.21 4.8 0.987 0.983 0.989 ML approaches better … NR NA N 1 mean (95% CI) 0.985 0.821 0.155 6.5 0.984 0.98 0.988 ML approaches better … NR NA N 1 mean (95% CI) 0.985 0.84 0.171 5.8 0.987 0.984 0.989 ML approaches better
November 01, 2017 - Help understand the disease better and a possible cure or treatment
Describe the timeframe in which … or perspective: (you may select more than one category if appropriate)
Help understand the disease better
September 01, 2023 - televisits, including:
Facilitators from patient and provider perspectives: televisits allow care to be better … evaluate heterogeneity of treatment effects (whether some specific groups of patients may have had better … Video-Based Telehealth: A Rapid Evidence Review
Nov 30, 2022
Supporting Better
January 01, 2005 - needed to ascertain the relative
benefits and harms of each approach and whether
certain subgroups are better … Data on comparative endoscopic treatments with
continued (or intensified) use of PPIs are needed
to better … by most patients in a
nonstandardized fashion during the followup period), surgical
patients had better … PPIs in patients who were
dependent on PPIs: At 1-year followup, mean GI symptom score
was better in
December 01, 2019 - adjunct SFLC testing on diagnostic accuracy in undiagnosed patients, (2) the role of the SFLC assay as a better … predictor of outcome in PCDs or of progression of MGUS to MM, and (3) the role of the SFLC assay as a better
December 01, 2019 - Larger sample sizes will allow more research on subpopulations, and longer followup times will allow a better … Oct 24, 2023
Trauma Informed Care
Nov 30, 2022
Supporting Better
September 12, 2019 - During some tests you receive a contrast dye, which makes parts of your body show up better in the image
February 01, 2022 - Cancer Survivorship Care
To foster a better
January 01, 2024 - White Paper_Living Systematic Reviews: Examining Excluded Full-Text Articles To Better Understand the … Chronic Pain
White Paper
Living Systematic Reviews: Examining Excluded Full-
Text Articles To Better … Pain
White Paper
Living Systematic Reviews: Examining Excluded Full-
Text Articles To Better … Living
Systematic Reviews: Examining Excluded Full-Text Articles To Better Understand the Evidence … This white
paper examined published articles excluded after full-text review, to better understand the
November 25, 2024 - Preventing pneumonia is always better than treating it.
December 01, 2019 - painless hernia, evidence was mostly insufficient to permit conclusions, but quality of life at 1 year was better … procedures generally yielded similar results, and transabdominal preperitoneal repair had the same or better
March 10, 2010 - Introduction I would recommend changing the title to better describe the review. … Methods Adding NNT or NNH to the analysis may make it better to understand
the effect. … conclusion: "Telmisartan reduces
blood pressure to the same extent as other ARBs in the class and
better … For example, on page ES-3 the report states "ACE
inhibitor or ARB therapy is better than placebo…" while … Our point is not that one approach is inherently
better than another but that this provides the greatest
December 01, 2019 - analysis, we concluded that there is a low level of evidence that both CHr and %HYPO have a similar or better … suggest that CHr (with cutoff values of <27 or <28 pg) and %HYPO (with cutoff values of >6% or >10%) have better … However, it may be that CHr and %HYPO have better predictive ability for a response to IV iron treatment
November 01, 2020 - New radiation therapy machines let doctors better focus the beams on your tumor and lessen the radiation … Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3DCRT) : With 3DCRT, three-dimensional (3D) images help the doctor better … Also, patients treated with IMRT had a better quality of life related to dry mouth when compared with
December 01, 2022 - programs (a specific model that uses video for instruction
and case reviews) are associated with better … how telehealth is expected to affect outcomes; an outcome-
oriented model for telehealth could inform better … good as care provided without telehealth or if the investment in telehealth requires that
outcomes be better … telehealth supporting provider-to-
provider communications and collaboration may produce similar or better
July 01, 2020 - What information is needed to make better
recommendations to patients? … What information
would support better decisions at an institutional level to improve health
outcomes … evidence that placing patients with severe mental illness in community-
based care yields the same or better
November 11, 2015 - I had
one of
them tell me that the Other Men
were in
better health
because they only had … Nobody could
come up with
anything better than
this. … this,
the people who saw the apples and
who saw this said, "Oh, this is much
better … This is much
better because then
see that it's not just apples, it's a variety of … There are not lot of different
ways of doing it
are better than that.