Patient-centered CDS (PC CDS) is being used by patients and clinicians across the country to achieve better … outcomes by considering patient-specific factors for better decisions. … Clinicians and healthcare systems can use this website to better understand what PC CDS is and how it
September 01, 2024 - Collaborative (CDSiC) is a community of diverse stakeholders at the forefront of using technology to better … The CDSiC aims to better understand what makes CDS patient-centered by serving as a proving ground of
co-founded HITEKS in 2011 to focus more on the provider world because he realized that the availability of better … clinical data for insight requires better systems and tools integrated with provider workflows
September 26, 2024 - patients’ and clinicians’ perspectives on the future usability and utility of the PAIGE prototype to better
July 15, 2024 - support CDS researchers and developers, this report offers a taxonomy of override reasons for PC CDS to better … capture information on the barriers and challenges to PC CDS use, and to better understand what can
February 25, 2025 - Leadership Viewpoint highlights four themes that emerged from CDSiC efforts to understand how PC CDS can better … CDSiC developed two reports and conducted two real-world pilot projects to understand how PC CDS can better … example, through example-based explanations that accompany output, which can build trust and provide a better … These findings can help PC CDS stakeholders better understand and leverage AI to scale PC CDS more widely … Additionally, further usability testing with patients with limited digital and/or health literacy is needed to better
advance and implement new policy approaches to medical device software and digital health technologies to better
August 01, 2023 - To better understand the current state of the evolving landscape, this report includes:
Peterson published data on digital health initiatives and the role they have in leading to better healthcare
October 01, 2023 - dashboards are focused on presenting aggregate data to a clinical leader or informatician to facilitate a better
scale to apply evidence in practice more easily, quickly, accurately, and consistently as well as build better
September 20, 2024 - developers, public health experts, federal agencies, and community organizations can use this action plan to better
September 01, 2023 - Medical professionals can better support patient decision making both within and beyond clinical encounters
September 01, 2023 - Patient partners, researchers, and developers involved in the creation of PC CDS can use this handbook to better
January 01, 2024 - Collaborative (CDSiC) is a community of diverse stakeholders at the forefront
of using technology to better
January 01, 2022 - It also requires a research agenda focused on better understanding
the types of CDS needed, when and … development methods, the Core 2 team will create several iterations of the dashboard to help
refine and better … inform clinical decisions can improve engagement and connectedness with
patients,xv which can lead to better … The team will also conduct discussions with CDS
developers and PGHD experts to gain a better understanding
January 01, 2023 - where and when interactions occur, we can develop and
field measures and measurement approaches that better … clinical workflows that can be
used by researchers designing and reporting on
workflow studies to better … Reporting
should also include descriptions of variation in
workflows from the standardized workflow to better … the STAMP (Suggested Time
and Motion Procedures) Checklist is a potential
resource that can support better … Conduct research to better
understand how these types of measures alleviate
gaps in the patient/caregiver
February 25, 2025 - Leadership Viewpoint highlights four themes that emerged from CDSiC efforts to understand how PC CDS can better
January 01, 2024 - The overarching aim
was to better understand the capability of LLMs to facilitate accurate and timely … for Refinements and Future Work on Similar Patient-Facing Chatbots
o AI-generated summaries could better … This would better facilitate decision-making about next steps in the
patient’s care. … The
assessment’s overarching aim was to generate a better understanding of the capability of LLMs to … However, they also suggested improvements and future work to
enhance PAIGE’s information quality, better
the process of turning knowledge from patient-centered findings into CDS-enabled actions to produce better